研究分野 主な関心領域
1992 京都大学教育学部卒業
1994 京都大学大学院経済学修士課程修了(M.A.)
1999 シカゴ大学大学院博士課程修了・経済学博士号(Ph.D.)取得
1999 ブラウン大学経済学部助教授
2003 京都大学経済研究所助教授
2007 京都大学経済研究所准教授
"Sunspot fluctuations in asset prices and business cycles in Japan over 1986-1999," Japanese Economic Review, 54, 253-274, 2003.
"Catch-up in turn in a multi-country international trade model with learning-by-doing and invention," Journal of Development Economics, 72, 117-138, 2003.
"A business cycle model with variable capacity utilization and demand disturbances," European Economic Review, 49, 1331-1360, 2005.
"Money and prices under uncertainty," Review of Economic Studies, 72, 223-246, 2005 (with Herakles Polemarchakis).
"Monetary policy with sticky prices and segmented markets," Economic Theory, 27, 163-177, 2006.
"Unemployment and indeterminacy," Journal of Economic Theory, 126, 314-327, 2006.
"Asset price fluctuations in Japan: 1980-2000," Japan and the World Economy, forthcoming.
"Liquidity trap and optimal monetary policy in open economies," Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, forthcoming.