執筆者 | 田村 傑 (上席研究員) |
発行日/NO. | 2013年10月 13-P-018 |
研究プロジェクト | イノベーションへの標準政策 |
ダウンロード/関連リンク |
This research examines the participants in the de jure standard setting in Japan, so as to understand the benefits and costs that corporations receive from participation. In particular, the research and development (R&D) expenditure to sales (R/S) ratio is used to examine corporations' relative R&D position in their industry sector, in the following four sectors: (1) production machinery, (2) transportation machinery, (3) non-ferrous metals, and (4) information and communications technology. In addition, an analytical framework for the cost and benefit structure of corporate participation in standard development organizations is described. We have found that in R&D-intensive industries, there is less participation from high R/S corporations. This result is in accordance with previous research into European Union (EU) de jure standardization, but not with the case of the United States.