米中対立や新型コロナ、ロシアによるウクライナ侵攻など、大きく揺れ動く国際情勢のなかでASEANと日本はいかなる方向を目指すべきか。シンガポールのトップシンクタンクの1つであるISEAS(アイセアス)による東南アジア10カ国の意識調査レポート「State of Southeast Asia 2022」についてシャロン・シーア氏から伺うとともに、タイの新進気鋭の国際政治経済専門家ティティナン・ポンスティラック チュラロンコン大学教授とアジアの国際政治を専門とする神奈川大学の大庭三枝教授に議論いただく。モデレータは、RIETI副所長で経済産業省特別顧問も兼ね、アジア政策に経験豊富な渡辺哲也が担当する。
- 日時:2022年5月30日(月)16:00-17:30
- 開催方式:ウェビナー
- 開催言語:英語⇒日本語(同時通訳選択可)
- 参加費:無料
- 主催:独立行政法人経済産業研究所(RIETI)、ISEASユソフ・イシャク研究所
16:00-16:10 開会挨拶
チョイ・シン・クウォック(ISEASユソフ・イシャク研究所 所長)
Mr Choi Shing Kwok is Director and Chief Executive Officer of the ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute and Head of the ASEAN Studies Centre and Singapore APEC Studies Centre at the Institute. Previously, he was Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources from 2012 to 2017, and Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Transport from 2005 to 2012. Prior to that, he was Director, Security and Intelligence Division, Ministry of Defence. Mr Choi was awarded the Public Administration Medal (Silver) (Military) in 1993 and the Meritorious Service Medal in 2000 for his significant contributions to the Singapore Public Service.
16:10-16:40 プレゼンテーション
Highlights from The State of Southeast Asia: 2022 Survey Report and Implications for Japan
シャロン・シーア(ISEAS シニアフェロー 兼 ASEAN研究所東南アジア気候変動プログラムコーディネーター)
Ms Sharon Seah is Senior Fellow and Coordinator of ASEAN Studies Centre and the Climate Change in Southeast Asia Programme at the ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute. Prior to academia, Ms Seah spent 15 years in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Singapore and the National Environment Agency. Her research interests are in ASEAN, multilateralism, rule of law, and climate change. Ms Seah graduated with a Master in Public and International Law from the University of Melbourne in 2018. She is co-editor of 50 Years of ASEAN and Singapore (World Scientific: 2017) and editor of Building a New Legal Order for the Oceans (NUS Press: 2019) for Tommy Koh. She is also the lead author of The State of Southeast Asia Survey Report and the Southeast Asia Climate Outlook Survey.
16:40-17:00 コメント
ティティナン・ポンスティラック(チュラロンコン大学安全保障国際問題研究所所長 兼 教授)
Thitinan Pongsudhirak is Professor and Director of the Institute of Security and International Studies at Bangkok’s Chulalongkorn University. He has held visiting positions at Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies and Stanford University, and currently serves on several editorial boards of academic journals, including Journal of Democracy. He has authored many publications and over 1,000 op-eds in mass media, such as The Bangkok Post, Nikkei Asia, The Straits Times, and Project Syndicate. His work focuses on comparative politics and geopolitics/geoeconomics of ASEAN and East Asia. In 2015, he was awarded a prize for excellence in opinion writing from Society of Publishers in Asia; in March 2018, he was appointed ASEAN@50 Fellow by New Zealand’s Minister of Foreign Affairs & Trade; and in May 2019, he was selected as Australia-ASEAN Fellow at Sydney’s Lowy Institute. He earned an award-winning PhD from The London School of Economics.
大庭 三枝(神奈川大学法学部法学研究科 教授)
Dr. Mie Oba is Professor at the Faculty of Law, Kanagawa University. She obtained her M.A and Ph.D at the University of Tokyo. Her major is International Relations and the politics in East Asia and Asia-Pacific, especially the development of regionalism in this region, Japan’s policy in terms of regionalism and relationship between Japan and Southeast Asia. She has a lot of articles and books both in Japanese and English, and received The 21st Ohira Masayoshi Memorial Prize (2005) and the 11th Nakasone Yasuhiro Incentive Award(2015) .
17:00-17:30 パネルディスカッション
渡辺 哲也(経済産業省特別顧問 / RIETI副所長 / 東京大学公共政策大学院客員 教授)
大庭 三枝(神奈川大学法学部法学研究科 教授)
ティティナン・ポンスティラック(チュラロンコン大学安全保障国際問題研究所所長 兼 教授)
シャロン・シーア(ISEAS シニアフェロー 兼 ASEAN研究所東南アジア気候変動プログラムコーディネーター)