米中の超大国間の戦略的競争は、これまでアジア太平洋に経済的繁栄と政治的安定をもたらしてきた多国間経済秩序を脅かしている。ルール・ベースの多国間経済秩序は米中対立の中で真価を問われている。 WTOを始めとした戦後のブレトン・ウッズ体制を支えてきた国際機関は機能不全に陥っている。デジタル経済、投資、国有企業を起立する現代的な国際ルールは整備されていない。
- 日時:2022年2月8日(火)10:00-11:30 (JST)
- 言語:日本語⇔英語(同時通訳有り)
- 参加費:無料
- 備考:オンライン配信
- 主催:独立行政法人経済産業研究所(RIETI) / オーストラリア国立大学(ANU)
- お問合せ:経済産業研究所 武川
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矢野 誠(RIETI理事長 / 京都大学経済研究所特任教授 / 上智大学特任教授)
細田 健一(経済産業副大臣)
Shiro Patrick ARMSTRONG(RIETI客員研究員 / オーストラリア国立大学クロフォード公共政策大学院准教授 / 豪日研究センター長/東アジア経済研究所長)
Shiro Armstrong is Associate Professor at the Crawford School of Public Policy at The Australian National University. He is Director of the Australia-Japan Research Centre, Editor of the East Asia Forum, Director of the Asian Bureau of Economic Research and Research Associate at the Center on Japanese Economy and Business at the Columbia Business School. Dr. Armstrong took his PhD in Economics from the Australian National University and has been visitor to Tokyo University, Peking University, Harvard University and Columbia University. He is Head of the Secretariat for the Pacific Trade and Development (PAFTAD) conference series. His publications include 5 edited books, numerous peer-reviewed journals including in the World Economy, Asian Economic Journal, Foreign Affairs and Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies, and is a regular contributor to the opinion pages of the Australian Financial Review.
Grace GOWN(アクセス・パートナーシップ グローバル・ガバメント・ヘッドアドバイザリー)
Grace Gown is currently Head of Global Government Advisory at Access Partnership, a global tech public policy firm. Grace has extensive public policy experience, and has provided advice within and to governments, regional bodies and international organisations (such as ASEAN and APEC), and multinational companies and industry associations, on a range of digital economy and digital trade issues across Southeast Asia and Australia. Grace leads a number of digital economy and digital trade focused research projects at Access Partnership, focusing on fit-for-purpose policy development, and promotion of regional alignment. Prior to joining Access Partnership, Grace worked for an Australian government inquiry developing practical recommendations to improve the child safety regulatory framework, with a strong focus on the online environment, and at an Australian government department promoting digital literacy and skills within the school education system, including implementation of government STEM education programs. Grace holds a Bachelor of International Studies and a Bachelor of Laws (Hon II) from Macquarie University, Australia.
Lili Yan ING(東アジア・アセアン経済研究センター (ERIA) リードアドバイザー・エコノミスト)
Dr Ing was appointed as Lead Advisor to the Minister of Trade of Indonesia from 2017-2019 and Senior Advisor on Trade and Investment at the President's Office of the Republic of Indonesia from 2015-2016. She has written articles and edited books, among others: World Trade Evolution, East Asian Integration, The Indonesian Economy, Production Networks in Southeast Asia, Regional Integration and Non-Tariff Measures in ASEAN, Non-Tariff Measures in ASEAN, and 50 Years of Indonesia's Trade Policy. She regularly speaks at international fora such as WTO symposiums, NTM Weeks, and East Asia Business and Investment Summit. She is also a frequent contributor to the East Asia Forum, The Diplomat, Asian Nikkei Review, and Jakarta Post.
Mary E. LOVELY(ピーターソン国際経済研究所(PIIE)アンソニー・M・ソロモン・シニアフェロー / シラキュース大学マックスウェル行政大学院教授)
Mary E. Lovely, Anthony M. Solomon senior fellow at the Peterson Institute, is professor of economics and Melvin A. Eggers Faculty Scholar at Syracuse University's Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, where she combines interests in international economics and China's development. During 2011-15, she served as coeditor of the China Economic Review. Her current research projects investigate the effect of China's foreign direct investment policies on trade flows and entry mode, the relationship between proximity to export markets and cross-city wage variation, and the influence of Chinese tariff reductions on labor shares of value in its manufacturing firms. She recently completed studies of American manufacturing employment and outsourcing to low-income countries, the role of intellectual returnees in the success of China's photovoltaic solar industry, and the structure of Chinese reforms of state-owned enterprises. Lovely earned her PhD in economics at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor and a master's degree in city and regional planning from Harvard University.
宋 泓(中国社会科学院 米国研究所(CASS, IAS)副所長)
Dr. Song Hong, Deputy Director General and Senior Fellow at the Institute of American Studies (IAS), Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), Professor of the Graduate School of CASS. He obtained his Bachelor degree in philosophy from the Department of Philosophy at Northwest University in 1987, and Master degrees in Economics at Fudan University in 1994 and Ph.D. degree in Economics 1997 from Nankai University. Professor Song is an economist. He focuses on trade and investment issues. A special concern is with the impacts of multinational enterprises on industrial development in developing countries, especially in China.