- 日時:2020年12月17日(木) 16:00-17:00(受付開始時刻:15:45)
- 開催言語:英語
- 参加費:無料
- 主催:独立行政法人経済産業研究所(RIETI)
- パネリスト:リチャード・ボールドウィン (高等国際問題・開発研究所(ジュネーブ)教授 / RIETI外部諮問委員)
Richard Baldwin is a Professor of International Economics at the Graduate Institute in Geneva since 1991 and Editor-in-Chief of VoxEU.org since he founded it in 2007. Previously, he was President of CEPR in (2104-2018), a part-time Visiting Research Professor at the University of Oxford (2012-2015), Visiting Professor at the MIT Economics Department (Fall 2002-2003), and Associate Professor at Columbia Business School (1989-1991). He has served as a Managing Editor of Economic Policy (2000-2005). Before moving to Switzerland in 1991, he was a Senior Staff Economist for the President's Council of Economic Advisors in the Bush White House (1990-1991) following trade matters such as the Uruguay Round and NAFTA negotiations as well as numerous US-Japan trade conflicts. He has been an adviser and consultant to many international organizations and governments. He did his Ph.D. in Economics at MIT with Paul Krugman and has published a half dozen articles with him. Before that he earned an M.Sc. at LSE (1980-81), and a B.A. at UW-Madison (1976-1980). His most recent book is The Globotics Upheaval: Globalization, Robotics and the Future of Work, has been translated into Japanese.
- パネリスト:アンドレ・サピール (ソルベイ・ブリュッセル経済経営学院教授 / ブリューゲル研究所上席研究員)
André Sapir is University Professor at the Université libre de Bruxelles, Senior Fellow of Bruegel and Research Fellow of CEPR. He has taught at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, the Graduate Institute in Geneva, the College of Europe in Bruges, and was visiting fellow at the IMF, the World Bank and the WTO. He worked 12 years at the European Commission, first as Economic Advisor to the Director-General for Economic and Financial Affairs (ECFIN), and then as Principal Economic Advisor to President Prodi. He has written extensively on European integration, international trade, and globalisation. He holds a PhD in Economics from the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore.
- モデレータ:渡辺 哲也(RIETI副所長)