President Trump's trade and technology wars against China have on net created a lose-lose-and-lose outcome for the two countries and the rest of the world. Can the situation change to a win-win-and-win pattern under a Biden administration? This will require some fact-based diagnosis of the nature of the economic frictions. It may also require a different kind of bilateral discussions focusing more on structural reforms in China rather than numerical import targets, depoliticization of trade policies by all parties, multilateral efforts at WTO reforms, and considerations of trade and economic relations in a larger context of addressing major challenges to the global society including climate change management.
- 日時:2020年12月8日(火)
- 開催言語:英語
- 主催:独立行政法人経済産業研究所(RIETI)
- スピーカー:WEI Shang-Jin (Professor of Finance and Economics, Professor of International Affairs, and N.T. Wang Professor of Chinese Business and Economy, Columbia University / Former Chief Economist of Asian Development Bank)
- モデレータ:佐分利 応貴(RIETI国際・広報ディレクター)