2018 International Workshop on the World and Asian Economy
-The 5th Tokyo Network Workshop-


  • Time and Date: 13:00-18:00, Friday, March 2, 2018
  • Venue: Room 402 (Building No. 26, Okuma Memorial Tower)
  • Host: Waseda Institute of Political Economy (WINPEC)
  • Supported by the Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry (RIETI)
  • Funded by JSPS Kakenhi Grant and WINPEC


13:00-13:10 Opening Remarks

TODO Yasuyuki (RIETI/Waseda University)

13:10-13:45 "Exchange rate movements, Japanese firm export, and the role of R&D and global outsourcing"

INUI Tomohiko (RIETI/Gakushuin University)

(Joint work with KIM Young Gak (Senshu University))

13:45-14:20 "Propagation of Shocks by Natural Disasters through Global Supply Chains"

KASHIWAGI Yuzuka (Waseda University)

(Joint work with TODO Yasuyuki (RIETI/Waseda University) and Petr MATOUS (University of Sydney))

14:20-14:55 "The Global Production Line Position of Chinese Firms"

YU Zhihong (University of Nottingham)

(Joint work with Davin CHOR (National University of Singapore) and Kalina MANOVA (Stanford University and University of Oxford))

14:55-15:15 Coffee break

15:15-15:50 "Propagation of Financial Constraints in the Global Production Network"

TODO Yasuyuki (RIETI/Waseda University)

(Joint work with Petr MATOUS (University of Sydney) and FU Jiangtao (Rakuten))

15:50-16:25 "Firm Expectations and Investment: Evidence from the China-Japan Islands Dispute"

ZHANG Hongyong (RIETI)

(Joint work with CHEN Cheng (University of Hong Kong), SENGA Tatsuro (RIETI/Queen Mary University of London and RIETI), SUN Chang (University of Hong Kong))

16:25-17:00 "Global Production Sharing and the Evolution of Industrial Capabilities: Does production sharing warp the product space?"

Russell THOMSON (Centre for Transformative Innovation, Swinburne University of Technology)

(Joint work with Premachandra ATHUKORALA (Australian National University))

17:00-17:10 Concluding Remarks

YU Zhihong (University of Nottingham)