The First Asia KLEMS Conference

Productivity Growth in Asia

  • 開催案内


Asia KLEMSは、EU KLEMSプロジェクトで採られたKLEMS方法論に基づいて、アジア諸国におけるデータベース構築の推進と国際生産性比較の実施を目的としたプロジェクトで、昨年12月に立ち上げられました。

昨年、ハーバード大学で開催されたジョルゲンソン教授を中心とする第1回World KLEMSコンファレンスに引き続き、第1回アジアKLEMSコンファレンスを開催します。ハーバード大学ジョルゲンソン教授によるWorld KLEMSについての講演、さらにアジアの主要国の生産性向上に関する動向の報告・議論を行います。



  • 日時:2011年7月27日(水)9:20-18:45
  • 会場:アジア開発銀行研究所(ADBI)会議室 (東京都千代田区霞が関3-2-5霞が関ビル8階)
  • 開催言語:英語(同時通訳なし)
  • 主催:独立行政法人経済産業研究所(RIETI)、一橋大学Global COE Hi-Stat Project、アジア開発銀行研究所(ADBI)の共催
  • お問合せ:RIETI 松倉 多恵子 Tel: 03-3501-8398、Fax: 03-3501-8416


9:20 - 11:00 Opening Session

Chair: PYO Hak Kil (Professor, Seoul National University / Chair, Asia KLEMS Committee)

9:20 - 9:40 Opening Address

KAWAI Masahiro (Dean and CEO, ADBI)

9:40 - 9:50 Welcoming Remarks

FUJITA Masahisa (President and Chief Research Officer, RIETI / Professor, Konan University / Adjunct Professor, Institute of Economic Research, Kyoto University)

10:00-11:00 Invited Keynote Speech: "World KLEMS and Asia KLEMS"

Dale W. JORGENSON (Samuel W. Morris University Professor, Harvard University)

11:00 - 11:15 Coffee break

11:15 - 13:00 Session 1

Chair: Harry X. WU (Professor, Hitotsubashi University)

11:15 - 11:45 Productivity Growth in India

Biswanath GOLDAR (Professor, University of Enclave)

11:45 - 12:15 Productivity Growth in Japan

MIYAGAWA Tsutomu (Faculty Fellow, RIETI / Vice President, Gakushuin University)

FUKAO Kyoji (Program Director and Faculty Fellow, RIETI / Professor, Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University)

12:15 - 12:45 Productivity Growth in Singapore

VU Minh Khuong (Assistant Professor, National University of Singapore)

12:45 - 13:00 Q&A

13:00 - 14:15 Lunch

14:15 - 16:00 Session 2

Chair: Biswanath GOLDAR (Professor, University of Enclave)

14:15 - 14:45 Productivity Growth in the People's Republic of China

Harry X. WU (Professor, Hitotsubashi University)

14:45 - 15:15 Productivity Growth in the Philippines

Mario B. LAMBERTE (Director, ADBI)

15:15 - 15:45 Productivity Growth in the Republic of Korea

PYO Hak Kil (Professor, Seoul National University / Chair, Asia KLEMS Committee)

CHUN Hyunbae (Professor, Sogang University)

RHEE Keun Hee (Senior Researcher, Korea Productivity Center)

15:45 - 16:00 Q&A

16:00 - 16:15 Coffee break

16:15 - 18:00 Session 3

Chair: Mario B. LAMBERTE (Director, ADBI)

16:15 - 16:45 Slicing Up Global Value Chains

Gaaitzen de VRIES (Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Groningen)

(co-authors: Abdul ERUMBAN, Bart LOS, Robert STEHRER, and Marcel TIMMER)

16:45 - 18:00 Plenary Discussion and Wrap-up

Plenary Discussion:

MORIKAWA Masayuki (Vice Chairman and Vice President, RIETI)

Lead Discussants for each country wrap-up and Future Plans:

MIYAGAWA Tsutomu (Faculty Fellow, RIETI / Vice President, Gakushuin University)

Harry X. WU (Professor, Hitotsubashi University)

CHUN Hyunbae (Professor, Sogang University)

Abdul Azeez ERUMBAN (Assistant Professor, University of Groningen)

VU Minh Khuong (Assistant Professor, National University of Singapore)

Mario B. LAMBERTE (Director, ADBI)

18:00 - 18:45 Future Plan for the Asia KLEMS Project

Future Plan and Closing Remarks

PYO Hak Kil (Professor, Seoul National University / Chair, Asia KLEMS Committee)
