
Spillover from the R&D of Affiliates of Foreign Firms to Chinese Industries and the Internationalization of Chinese Firms

  • 開催案内


RIETIでは、「国際企業・貿易構造の変化と市場制度に関する研究」 プロジェクトの中の中国経済発展WGの一環として、以下のワークショップを北京で開催いたしました。本研究プロジェクトでは、中国の産業データを活用し、中国企業への外資企業によるR&D活動等からのスピルオーバーを検証しております。今回のワークショップでは中国国務院発展研究中心(DRC)とRIETIが共同で行ってきた研究の最終報告を行いました。


  • Time and Date: 8:40 - 12:30, March 18, 2010
  • Venue: Xinhai Jinjiang Hotel, Dongcheng District, Beijing
  • Language: Japanese / Chinese (with simultaneous interpretation)


8:40 - 9:00 Registration and Tea

9:00 - 9:10 Opening Remarks

Ms. SUN Lanlan (Director, International Department, Development Research Center of the State Council of the P.R.C (DRC))

9:10 - 10:00 Report: "Internationalization of Firms: Similarity and Disparity between China and Japan"

WAKASUGI Ryuhei (Research Counselor, Faculty Fellow, Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry (RIETI); Professor, Institute of Economic Research, Kyoto University)

(Japanese to Chinese simultaneous interpretation, including Q&A time)

10:00 - 10:35 Report: "Some Thoughts about the International Merger and Investment of Chinese Firms"

CHEN Xiaohong (Director, Enterprise Research Institute, DRC)

(Chinese to Japanese interpretation services will be provided to RIETI, including Q&A time)

10:35 - 12:30 Report: "How Do Chinese Industries Benefit from Knowledge Spillover?"

XU Zhaoyuan (Associate Research Fellow, Enterprise Research Institute, DRC)

ITO Banri (Fellow, RIETI; Lecturer, Senshu University)

YASHIRO Naomitsu (Consulting Fellow, RIETI; Associate Professor, Kyoto University)

(Japanese to Chinese simultaneous interpretation, including Q&A time)