
JIP Database 2013

Japan Industrial Productivity Database 2013 (JIP Database 2013)

The Japan Industrial Productivity Database 2013 (JIP Database 2013) is an extended version of the JIP Database 2012 that was compiled in a collaborative effort between RIETI under its East Asian Industrial Productivity Project within the Raising Industrial and Firm Productivity Program and Hitotsubashi University.

The JIP Database 2013 comprises, for the period 1970-2010, various types of annual data necessary for estimating total factor productivity (TFP) in 108 industries covering Japan's economy as a whole, including capital service input indices and capital costs, quality-adjusted labor service input indices and labor costs, nominal and real output and intermediate inputs, as well as growth accounting results, including estimates of TFP growth rates.

The JIP Database 2013 extends the JIP Database 2012 (released on October 30, 2012) by one year to 2010, employing exactly the same estimation approach and industry classifications. Moreover, as in the JIP Database 2012, the 2000 Benchmark Revision of the National Accounts is used for control totals. We plan to revise the estimation approach and the industry classifications in 2016 based on the 2005 Benchmark Revision of the National Accounts.

The global economic crisis triggered by the collapse of Lehman Brothers in September 2008 has posed severe challenges to the Japanese economy and economies around the globe. How TFP and employment have been affected by the global economic crisis is an issue that has attracted the interest of researchers worldwide. The JIP Database 2013 covers part of this period of crisis, and we hope that it will contribute to research on structural changes in inputs of factors of production and productivity.

The JIP Database 2013 was compiled by the following scholars.

Annual input-output tables

  • MATSUURA Toshiyuki (Keio University)
  • KIM YoungGak (Senshu University)
  • MIZUTA Takeshi (RIETI)
  • KWON Hyeog Ug (Nihon University and RIETI)
  • FUKAO Kyoji (Hitotsubashi University and RIETI)

Capital service input data

  • MIYAGAWA Tsutomu (Gakushuin University and RIETI)
  • INUI Tomohiko (Nihon University and RIETI)
  • HISA Shoichi (Yokohama City University)
  • SATO Hideyasu(TOKYO University and RIETI)

Labor input data

  • TOKUI Joji (Shinshu University and RIETI)
  • MAKINO Tatsuji (Hitotsubashi University and RIETI)

Supplementary tables

  • ITO Keiko (Senshu University and RIETI)
  • INUI Tomohiko (Nihon University and RIETI)
  • MATSUURA Toshiyuki (Keio University)
  • KIYOTA Kozo (Keio University and RIETI)
  • TANAKA Kiyoyasu (Institute of Developing Economies)

Investment and capital stock in intangible assets
Joint research with the Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) project "Empirical Research on Intangible Investment in Japan"

  • MIYAGAWA Tsutomu (Gakushuin University and RIETI)
  • HISA Shoichi (Yokohama City University)

Estimation system

  • ABE Takeshi (RIETI)
  • HITOMI Kazuya (RIETI)

The original version of the JIP Database—the ESRI/Hi-Stat JIP Database 2003—was compiled in a collaboration between the Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI), Cabinet Office, as part of its "Japan's Potential Growth" research project, and Hitotsubashi University, as part of its Hi-Stat project. The database developers are grateful to ESRI for the support and cooperation it provided in constructing the JIP Database 2013.

The key characteristics of the JIP Database 2013 include the following:

  • Both the database itself and its underlying original data are defined as public property and thus, in principle, will be made available to the general public;
  • The data contained in the JIP Database 2013 are consistent with the 1993 System of National Accounts (93SNA), and the 2000 Benchmark Revision of National Accounts is used for control totals; and
  • The JIP Database 2013 will form part of the EU's World Input-Output Database (WIOD) project, successor to the EU KLEMS project. The EU KLEMS project has been estimating TFP by industry for the major EU member states, the United States, South Korea, and other countries, to make possible the international comparison of absolute productivity levels, including Japan's.

Data download

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1. Input-Output table

  1. updated December 26, 2013

    1) Value of output and intermediate input table (current prices, million yen) [XLSX:131KB]

  2. updated December 26, 2013

    2) Value of output and intermediate input table (constant prices, million yen) [XLSX:130KB]

  3. updated December 26, 2013

    3) Input-output table (current prices, million yen) [XLSX:5.68MB]

  4. updated December 26, 2013

    4) Input-output table (constant prices, million yen) [XLSX:5.68MB]

  5. updated December 26, 2013

    5) Distribution of gross value added: current prices [XLSX:252KB]

  6. updated December 26, 2013

    6) Final demand by sectors (current prices, million yen)  [XLSX:318KB]

  7. updated December 26, 2013

    7) Final demand by sectors (constant prices, million yen) [XLSX:320KB]

2. Capital input

updated December 26, 2013

1) Investment by sector [XLS:695KB]

  1. i) Investment by sector (current prices, million yen)
  2. ii) Investment by asset (current prices, million yen)
  3. iii) Investment by sector (2000 prices, million yen)
  4. iv) Investment by asset (2000 prices, million yen)
  5. v) Indices of capital input by sector (2000=1)
  6. vi) Indices of capital quality by sector (2000=1)
  7. vii) Average annual change in real net capital stock by sector (%)
  8. viii) Real net capital stock by sector (2000 prices, million yen)
  9. ix) Real net capital stock by type of capital good (2000 prices, million yen)
  10. x) Nominal capital services (nominal rental price × real net capital stock) (current prices, million yen)

updated December 26, 2013

2) IT investment by sector [XLS:715KB]

  1. i) IT investment by sector (current prices, million yen)
  2. ii) IT investment by sector (2000 prices, million yen)
  3. iii) IT investment (hardware) by sector (current prices, million yen)
  4. iv) IT investment (hardware) by sector (2000 prices, million yen)
  5. v) IT investment (software) by sector (current prices, million yen)
  6. vi) IT investment (software) by sector (2000 prices, million yen)
  7. vii) IT capital stock by sector (2000 prices, million yen)
  8. viii) Non-IT capital stock by sector (2000 prices, million yen)

3) Investment matrix and stock matrix

  1. updated December 26, 2013

    i) Investment matrix (current prices, million yen) [XLS:2.68MB]

  2. updated December 26, 2013

    ii) Investment matrix (2000 prices, million yen) [XLS:2.68MB]

  3. updated December 26, 2013

    iii) Capital stock matrix (2000 prices, million yen) [XLS:2.82MB]

3. Labor input

  1. updated December 26, 2013

    1) Indices of labor input by sector (2000=1) [XLS:111KB]

  2. updated December 26, 2013

    2) Average annual change in indices of labor input by sector (%) [XLS:63KB]

  3. updated December 26, 2013

    3) Indices of man-hours by sector (2000=1) [XLS:111KB]

  4. updated December 26, 2013

    4) Average annual change in man-hours (%) [XLS:61KB]

  5. updated December 26, 2013

    5) Indices of labor quality by sector (2000=1) [XLS:127KB]

  6. updated December 26, 2013

    6) Average annual change in indices of labor quality by sector (%) [XLS:61KB]

  7. updated December 26, 2013

    7) Number of workers by sector (persons) [XLS:112KB]

  8. updated December 26, 2013

    8) Man-hours by sector (1,000 worker hours) [XLS:111KB]

  9. updated December 26, 2013

    9) Nominal labor costs by sector (million yen) [XLS:111KB]

  10. updated December 26, 2013

    10) Share of female workers (female workers / total workers, %) [XLS:51KB]

  11. updated December 26, 2013

    11) Share of part-time workers (part-time workers / total workers, %) [XLS:51KB]

  12. updated December 26, 2013

    12) Share of workers aged 55 and over (workers aged 55 and over / total workers, %) [XLS:51KB]

4. Growth accounting [ZIP:2.07MB]

updated December 26, 2013

  1. 1) List of contents
  2. 2) Definition of aggregated sectors
  3. 3) Real gross output (million yen, 2000 price)
  4. 4) Growth rate of real gross output
  5. 5) Nominal gross output (million yen)
  6. 6) Real intermediate input (Divisia index, 2000=1.000)
  7. 7) Real intermediate input (simple summation, million yen, 2000 price)
  8. 8) Nominal intermediate input (million yen)
  9. 9) Nominal value added (million yen)
  10. 10) Real value added (million yen, 2000 price)
  11. 11) Labor input index (Divisia index, 2000=1.000)
  12. 12) Nominal labor cost (million yen)
  13. 13) Labor quality index (2000=1.000)
  14. 14) Man-hour input index (2000=1.000)
  15. 15) Capital service input (Divisia index, 2000=1.000)
  16. 16) Nominal capital service input (nominal rental price*real net capital stock, million yen)
  17. 17) Capital quality index (2000=1.000)
  18. 18) Real net capital stock index (2000=1.000)
  19. 19) Cost share of each production factor
  20. 20) TFP growth rate by sector
  21. 21) Contribution of each production factor (value added basis)
  22. 22) Contribution of each production factor (gross output basis)
  23. 23) Growth accounting (value added basis)
  24. 24) Growth accounting (gross output basis)
  25. 25) Figure: TFP growth rate (percent per annum, value added basis)

5. Supplementary tables

updated December 26, 2013

1) Share of Workers by Occupation and JIP Industry: 1980-2010 [XLSX:339KB]

Supplementary tables (JIP 2011)

updated May 7, 2015

6. Investment and capital stock in intangible assets [XLSX:436KB]

Investment and capital stock in intangible assets (JIP 2011)

7. Industry concordance with JSIC and ISIC

updated September 12, 2012

Industry concordance with JSIC and ISIC [XLSX:77KB]

updated September 12, 2012

Industry concordance with JSIC and ISIC [PDF:213KB]

8.Downloadable files in Text format and STATA format

  1. updated December 26, 2013

    Variable table [XLSX:26KB]

  2. updated December 26, 2013

    Text (csv) format [ZIP:7.88MB]

  3. updated December 26, 2013

    STATA (dta) format [ZIP:11.05MB]

Related Links

EU KLEMS Database

The "Raising Industrial and Firm Productivity" Program at RIETI makes the JIP Database and related data available to the EU KLEMS Project, making possible international comparisons of productivity and related issues for Japan and other advanced economies. The latest international data can be downloaded at:

World KLEMS Database

The "Raising Industrial and Firm Productivity" Program at RIETI has joined the World KLEMS Project led by Harvard University, providing the JIP Database and related data, thus making possible international comparisons of productivity and related issues for Japan and countries around the world. The latest international data can be downloaded at:

Asia KLEMS Database

The "Raising Industrial and Firm Productivity" Program at RIETI is a core member of the Asia KLEMS Project and as such works on the construction and international comparison of productivity data for various Asian countries including Japan. Details can be found on the website of the Asia KLEMS Project:

Database on private and public R&D investment and manufacturing industry productivity by industry and region

The "Raising Industrial and Firm Productivity" Program at RIETI, in collaboration with the National Institute of Science and Technology Policy (NISTEP) and Hitotsubashi University, conducts surveys and research to statistically and econometrically examine the effects of corporate and public sector R&D via innovation on establishment- and firm-level productivity and employment as well as firm value. The project works on the estimation and publication of data on R&D stock by industry, R&D stock and spillovers by region and type of product, and R&D stock by region and scientific discipline. For details, refer to NISTEP's page on "R&D and Innovation":

Intangible Investment Database

Estimates of investment in intangible assets in the United States and major European countries can be found at: