
JIP Database 2008


Jan 29, 2009

An estimate of intangible assets developed in the RIETI project "Study of Intangible Assets in Japan," which was conducted under the direction of project leader MIYAGAWA Tsutomu (Gakushuin University), has been cited as an international source of comparison by the U.S. Bureau of Economic Research in a report published in the January 2009 edition of Survey of Current Business.

This estimate can be found in the RIETI discussion paper "Intangible Investment in Japan: Measurement and Contribution to Economic Growth." A revised version of the paper will be published in a forthcoming edition of Review of Income and Wealth.

Dec 1, 2008

The JIP database, created and managed by RIETI in collaboration with Hitotsubashi University's COE program "Research Unit for Statistical and Empirical Analysis in Social Sciences (Hi-Stat)," is now a basic component of the STAN (Structural Analysis) Database that was developed by OECD for the analysis of member states' industrial structures and productivity. To see the STAN database: (Excel file, 231KB)

The Japan Industrial Productivity Database 2008 (JIP 2008) was compiled as an extended version of the JIP Database 2006 in a collaboration between RIETI as part of its "Study on Industry-Level and Firm-Level Productivity in Japan" research project and Hitotsubashi University as part of its Hi-Stat (21st-Century COE Program, "Research Unit for Statistical Analysis in the Social Sciences") project. The original version of the JIP Database (ESRI/Hi-Stat JIP Database 2003) was compiled via collaboration with the Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI), Cabinet Office, Government of Japan as part of its "Japan's Potential Growth" research project and the Hitotsubashi University Hi-Stat project. The authors are grateful to the ESRI for its support and cooperation on the JIP 2008 project.

The JIP 2008 contains annual data on 108 sectors from 1970-2005 that can be used for total factor productivity (TFP) analyses. These sectors cover the whole Japanese economy. The database includes detailed information on sectoral capital service input indices and labor service input indices, including information on real capital stocks and the nominal cost of capital by type of capital and by industry, annual nominal, and real input-output tables, as well as some supplementary tables, such as statistics on trade, inward and outward FDI, and Japan's industrial structure. All real values are based on 2000 prices. Supplementary tables will be released in or around September 2008.

Kyoji Fukao
Miyagawa Tsutomu

JIP 2006 was compiled by the following scholars.

Annual input-output tables

  • FUKAO Kyoji (Hitotsubashi University)
  • MATSUURA Toshiyuki (Hitotsubashi University / RIETI)
  • OKANO Yusuke (Graduate School, Senshu University)
  • KWON Hyeog Ug (Nihon University)

Capital service input data

  • MIYAGAWA Tsutomu (Gakushuin University)
  • INUI Tomohiko (Nihon University)
  • HISA Shoichi (RIETI Research Assistant)

Labor input data

  • TOKUI Joji (Shinshu University)
  • MAKINO Tatsuji (RIETI Research Assistant)


Details of the database are explained in
Fukao, Hamagata, Inui, Ito, Kwon, Makino, Miyagawa, Nakanishi, and Tokui
"Estimation Procedures and TFP Analysis of the JIP Database 2006," RIETI Discussion Paper January 2007 07-E-003

Details of the ESRI/Hi-Stat JIP Database 2003 are explained in
Fukao, Inui, Kawai, and Miyagawa, "Sectoral Productivity and Economic Growth in Japan, 1970-98: An Empirical Analysis Based on the JIP Database," in Growth and Productivity in East Asia, National Bureau of Economic Research-East Asia Seminar on Economics, Takatoshi Ito and Andrew Rose (eds.), The University of Chicago Press, 2004.
(A PDF version of the paper is downloadable at
"Sectoral Productivity and Economic Growth: 1970-98," (in Japanese) Economic Analysis, no. 170, ESRI, 2003.
More information on the database is available at the web site of the Hi-Stat project.

Contact Information

Please direct requests and inquiries concerning reproduction to:
RIETI JIP Database Group

Please direct inquiries concerning the results release schedule and estimation methodology to:
JIP Database Room, Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University

JIP database 2008 table index

If your PC does not have Microsoft Excel installed, you can download Excel Viewer 2003 from Microsoft for free at

(1) Input-Output table

  1. updated August 5, 2011

    1) Value of output, intermediate input, and intermediate demand table (current prices, million yen) [XLS:233KB]

  2. updated August 5, 2011

    2) Value of output, intermediate input, and intermediate demand table (constant prices, million yen) [XLS:233KB]

  3. updated August 5, 2011

    3) Input-output table (current prices, million yen) [XLS:4.96MB]

  4. updated August 5, 2011

    4) Input-output table (constant prices, million yen) [XLS:6.23MB]

  5. updated August 5, 2011

    5) Distribution of gross value added: current prices [XLS:305KB]

    1. i) Consumption of fixed capital
    2. ii) Indirect taxes and subsidies
    3. iii) Compensation of employees and mixed income
    4. iv) Operating surplus
  6. updated August 5, 2011

    6) Final demand by sectors (current prices, benchmark year, preliminary estimates) [XLS:183KB]

  7. updated August 5, 2011

    7) Final demand by sectors, final demand (2000: constant prices, benchmark year, preliminary estimates) [XLS:192KB]

(2) Capital input

updated August 5, 2011

1) Investment by sectors [XLS:462KB]

  1. i) Investment by sector (constant prices, million yen)
  2. ii) Investment by asset (constant prices, million yen)
  3. iii) Indices of capital input by sector (2000=1.000)
  4. iv) Indices of capital quality by sector (2000=1.000)
  5. v) Average annual change in real net capital stock by sector (by percent)
  6. vi) Real net capital stock by sectors (year 2000 prices, million yen)
  7. vii) Real net capital stock by the type of capital goods (year 2000 prices, million yen)
  8. viii) Nominal capital services (nominal rental price*real net capital stock, million yen)

updated August 5, 2011

2) IT investment by sector [XLS:635KB]

  1. i) IT investment by sector (current prices, million yen)
  2. ii) IT investment by sector (constant prices, million yen)
  3. iii) IT investment (hardware) by sector (current prices, million yen)
  4. iv) IT investment (hardware) by sector (constant prices, million yen)
  5. v) IT investment (software) by sector (current prices, million yen)
  6. vi) IT investment (software) by sector (constant prices, million yen)
  7. vii) IT capital stock by sector (current prices, million yen)
  8. viii) Non-IT capital stock by sector (constant prices, million yen)

3) Investment matrix and stock matrix

  1. updated August 5, 2011

    i) Investment matrix (current prices) [XLS:2.33MB]

  2. updated August 5, 2011

    ii) Investment matrix (2000: constant prices) [XLS:2.33MB]

  3. updated August 5, 2011

    iii) Stock matrix (2000: constant prices) [XLS:2.45MB]

(3) Labor input

  1. updated August 5, 2011

    1) Indices of labor input by sector (2000=1.000) [XLS:90KB]

  2. updated August 5, 2011

    2) Average annual change in indices of labor input by sector (%) [XLS:46KB]

  3. updated August 5, 2011

    3) Indices of man-hours by sector (2000=1.000) [XLS:89KB]

  4. updated August 5, 2011

    4) Average annual change in man-hours (%) [XLS:46KB]

  5. updated August 5, 2011

    5) Indices of labor quality by sector (2000=1.000) [XLS:105KB]

  6. updated August 5, 2011

    6) Average annual change in indices of labor quality by sector (%) [XLS:46KB]

  7. updated August 5, 2011

    7) Number of workers by sector [XLS:90KB]

  8. updated August 5, 2011

    8) Man-hours by sector (1,000 workers* total annual working hours) [XLS:90KB]

  9. updated August 5, 2011

    9) Nominal labor costs by sector (million yen) [XLS:90KB]

  10. updated August 5, 2011

    10) Female ratio (female workers/total workers, %) [XLS:37KB]

  11. updated August 5, 2011

    11) Part-time workers ratio (part-time workers/total workers, %) [XLS:37KB]

  12. updated August 5, 2011

    12) Ratio of workers over 55 years old (workers over 55 years old/total workers, %) [XLS:37KB]

(4) Growth accounting [ZIP:1.63MB]

updated August 5, 2011

  1. 1) Individual spreadsheet titles
  2. 2) Definition of aggregate sectors
  3. 3) Output (year 2000 prices, million yen)
  4. 4) Growth rate of output (constant prices)
  5. 5) Output (current prices, million yen)
  6. 6) Intermediate input index (Divisia index, 2000=1.000)
  7. 7) Intermediate input (Simple total, year 2000 prices, million yen)
  8. 8) Intermediate input (current prices, million yen)
  9. 9) Value added (current prices, million yen)
  10. 10) Labor input index (Divisia index, 2000=1.000)
  11. 11) Labor costs by sector (current prices, million yen)
  12. 12) Indices of labor quality (2000=1.000)
  13. 13) Indices of man-hours (2000=1.000)
  14. 14) Indices of capital service input (Divisia index, 2000=1.000)
  15. 15) Capital services (current rental price*constant net capital stock, million yen)
  16. 16) Indices of capital quality (2000=1.000)
  17. 17) Indices of net capital stock (2000=1.000)
  18. 18) Cost share of production factor
  19. 19) Growth rate of sectoral TFP
  20. 20) Contribution by production factors (value added base)
  21. 21) Contribution by production factors (output base)
  22. 22) Growth accounting (value added base)
  23. 23) Growth accounting (output base)
  24. 24) TFP percentage change (value added base)

(5) Supplementary tables (available soon)

Link to supplementary tables in JIP2006

(6) Industry concordance with JSIC and ISIC

updated August 5, 2011


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