JIP Database 2011
- About The Japan Industrial Productivity Database 2011 (JIP Database 2011)
- Data download
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About The Japan Industrial Productivity Database 2011 (JIP Database 2011)
The Japan Industrial Productivity Database 2011 (JIP Database 2011) is an extended version of the JIP Database 2010 that was compiled in a collaborative effort between RIETI and Hitotsubashi University's Global COE Hi-Stat Program. It was developed under RIETI's East Asian Industrial Productivity project within the Raising Industrial and Firm Productivity program and Hitotsubashi University's research project titled "Research Unit for Statistical and Empirical Analysis in Social Sciences."
JIP 2011 comprises various types of annual data sets that are necessary for the estimation of sectoral total factor productivity (TFP) in the 108 industries, covering Japan's economy as a whole from 1970-2008. These data sets include annual data on sectoral capital service input indices and capital costs, labor service input indices by attribute and labor costs. They also include nominal and real production intermediate inputs and the results of growth accounting, which include the calculation of the rates of increase in TFP.
Similarly with JIP 2010 (released on December 24, 2010), the basic estimation method and the 108 selected industries, covering Japan's economy as a whole, both remain unchanged. We plan to review the estimation method and the number of selected industries when we release JIP 2012 in the fall of 2012; its estimation will be based on the 2005 Benchmark Revision of National Accounts.
Since the onset of the global recession triggered by the collapse of Lehman Brothers in September 2008, the Japanese economy has encountered many challenges. JIP 2011 covers the first few months of this drastic transitional period. We hope that JIP 2011 contributes to research on changes in production structure, factor inputs and productivity during this period.
The supplementary tables that include statistics on trade, inward and outward FDI, market concentration ratios, and R&D stocks will be updated in a series and released in the near future.
JIP 2011 was compiled by the following scholars.
Annual input-output tables
- MATSUURA Toshiyuki (Keio University)
- KIM YoungGak (Senshu University and RIETI)
- FUKAO Kyoji (Hitotsubashi University and RIETI)
- KWON Hyeog Ug (Nihon University)
Capital service input data
- MIYAGAWA Tsutomu (Gakushuin University and RIETI)
- INUI Tomohiko (Economic and Social Research Institute, Cabinet Office and Nihon University)
- HISA Shoichi (Yokohama City University)
Labor input data
- TOKUI Joji (Shinshu University and RIETI)
- MAKINO Tatsuji (Hitotsubashi University and RIETI)
Supplementary tables
- ITO Keiko (Senshu University and RIETI)
- INUI Tomohiko (Economic and Social Research Institute, Cabinet Office and Nihon University)
- MATSUURA Toshiyuki (Keio University)
- KIYOTA Kozo (Yokohama National University and RIETI)
- TANAKA Kiyoyasu (Institute of Developing Economies)
Estimation system
- ABE Takeshi (RIETI)
The original version of the JIP Database—ESRI/Hi-Stat JIP Database 2003—was compiled in a collaboration between the Cabinet Office's Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI), as part of its "Japan's Potential Growth" research project, and Hitotsubashi University, as part of its Hi-Stat project. The database developers are grateful to ESRI for the support and cooperation it provided on the JIP Database 2011 project.
The key characteristics of the JIP 2011 include the following:
- Both the database itself and its underlying base data are defined as public property and thus, in principle, will be made available to the general public;
- The data contained in the JIP 2011 are consistent with the 1993 System of National Accounts (93SNA), and the national economic accounts are used as a control total; and
- JIP 2011 will participate in the EU's World Input-Output Database (WIOD) project, successor to the EU KLEMS project. The EU KLEMS project has been estimating TFP by industry for the EU major member states, the U.S., South Korea, and others, thereby enabling an international comparison of productivity levels in absolute terms, including those for Japan. The WIOD project's results on the international comparison of productivity are scheduled to be released in March 2012.
Data download
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1. Input-Output table
updated February 27, 2012
1) Value of output and intermediate input table (current prices, million yen) [XLS:179KB]
updated February 27, 2012
2) Value of output and intermediate input table (constant prices, million yen) [XLS:179KB]
updated February 27, 2012
3) Input-output table (current prices, million yen) [XLS:7.02MB]
updated February 27, 2012
4) Input-output table (constant prices, million yen) [XLS:7.02MB]
updated February 27, 2012
5) Distribution of gross value added: current prices [XLS:329KB]
- i) Consumption of fixed capital
- ii) Indirect taxes and subsidies
- iii) Compensation of employees and mixed income
- iv) Operating surplus
updated February 27, 2012
6) Final demand by sectors (current prices, million yen) [XLS:457KB]
updated February 27, 2012
7) Final demand by sectors (constant prices, million yen) [XLS:459KB]
updated April 2, 2012
2. Capital input
updated February 27, 2012
1) Investment by sectors [XLS:714KB]
- i) Investment by sector (current prices, million yen)
- ii) Investment by asset (current prices, million yen)
- iii) Investment by sector (constant prices, million yen)
- iv) Investment by asset (constant prices, million yen)
- v) Indices of capital input by sector (2000=1.000)
- vi) Indices of capital quality by sector (2000=1.000)
- vii) Average annual change in real net capital stock by sector (by percent)
- viii) Real net capital stock by sectors (year 2000 prices, million yen)
- ix) Real net capital stock by the type of capital goods (year 2000 prices, million yen)
- x) Nominal capital services (nominal rental price*real net capital stock, million yen)
updated February 27, 2012
2) IT investment by sector [XLS:676KB]
- i) IT investment by sector (current prices, million yen)
- ii) IT investment by sector (constant prices, million yen)
- iii) IT investment (hardware) by sector (current prices, million yen)
- iv) IT investment (hardware) by sector (constant prices, million yen)
- v) IT investment (software) by sector (current prices, million yen)
- vi) IT investment (software) by sector (constant prices, million yen)
- vii) IT capital stock by sector (current prices, million yen)
- viii) Non-IT capital stock by sector (constant prices, million yen)
3) Investment matrix and stock matrix
updated February 27, 2012
i) Investment matrix (current prices) [XLS:2.59MB]
updated February 27, 2012
ii) Investment matrix (2000: constant prices) [XLS:2.58MB]
updated February 27, 2012
iii) Stock matrix (2000: constant prices) [XLS:2.71MB]
3. Labor input
updated November 22, 2011
1) Indices of labor input by sector (2000=1.000) [XLS:101KB]
updated November 22, 2011
2) Average annual change in indices of labor input by sector (%) [XLS:57KB]
updated November 22, 2011
updated November 22, 2011
updated November 22, 2011
5) Indices of labor quality by sector (2000=1.000) [XLS:117KB]
updated November 22, 2011
6) Average annual change in indices of labor quality by sector (%) [XLS:55KB]
updated November 22, 2011
updated November 22, 2011
8) Man-hours by sector (1,000 workers* total annual working hours) [XLS:102KB]
updated November 22, 2011
updated November 22, 2011
10) Female ratio (female workers/total workers, %) [XLS:45KB]
updated November 22, 2011
11) Part-time workers ratio (part-time workers/total workers, %) [XLS:45KB]
updated November 22, 2011
12) Ratio of workers over 55 years old (workers over 55 years old/total workers, %) [XLS:45KB]
4. Growth accounting [ZIP:1.84MB]
updated November 7, 2011
- 1) List of contents
- 2) Definition of aggregated sectors
- 3) Real gross output (million yen, 2000 price)
- 4) Growth rate of real gross output
- 5) Nominal gross output (million yen)
- 6) Real intermediate input (Divisia index, 2000=1.000)
- 7) Real intermediate input (simple summation, million yen, 2000 price)
- 8) Nominal intermediate input (million yen)
- 9) Nominal value added (million yen)
- 10) Labor input index (Divisia index, 2000=1.000)
- 11) Nominal labor cost (million yen)
- 12) Labor quality index (2000=1.000)
- 13) Man-hour input index (2000=1.000)
- 14) Capital service input (Divisia index, 2000=1.000)
- 15) Nominal capital service input (nominal rental price*real net capital stock, million yen)
- 16) Capital quality index (2000=1.000)
- 17) Real net capital stock index (2000=1.000)
- 18) Cost share of each production factor
- 19) TFP growth rate by sector
- 20) Contribution of each production factor (value added basis)
- 21) Contribution of each production factor (gross output basis)
- 22) Growth accounting (value added basis)
- 23) Growth accounting (gross output basis)
- 24) Figure: TFP growth rate (percent per annum, value added basis)
5. Supplementary tables
updated September 12, 2012
1) Regulation indices for 97 industries: 1995-2005 [XLSX:17KB]
updated September 12, 2012
2) Share of workers by occupation and JIP industry: 1980-2005 [XLSX:217KB]
updated September 12, 2012
3) Outward FDI by JIP industry and region: 1985-2005 [XLSX:207KB]
updated September 12, 2012
updated September 12, 2012
updated September 12, 2012
updated September 12, 2012
6) Share of services trade by major partner countries and regions [XLSX:146KB]
updated September 12, 2012
updated September 12, 2012
updated September 12, 2012
8) Inward FDI statistics by industry (1996, 2001, 2006) [XLSX:79KB]
updated September 12, 2012
updated September 12, 2012
10) Capital utilization index (1970-2002) :Estimated by the Wharton School Method [XLSX:35KB]
updated September 12, 2012
updated July 9, 2012
6. Investment and capital stock in intangible assets [XLS:799KB]
updated July 9, 2012
Measurement in intagible investment by industry [XLS:30KB]
7. Industry concordance with JSIC and ISIC
updated September 12, 2012
Industry concordance with JSIC and ISIC [XLSX:77KB]
updated September 12, 2012
Related Links
EU KLEMS Database, November 2009
The November 2009 release provides data up to 2007 (2006 for Japan).