研究分野 主な関心領域
実験経済学, 環境経済学, 制度設計工学
1999 早稲田大学商学部卒業
2001 大阪大学大学院経済学研究科博士前期課程修了
2003- 日本学術振興会特別研究員
T. Okano, T. Kusakawa, T. Saijo and A. Suzuki, "Agent-based Simulation of Emissions Trading: Evaluation of Non-compliance Penalty and Commitment Period Reserve," D. A. Post (ed.), Proceedings of MODSIM 2003 Integrative Modelling of Biophysical, Social and Economic Systems for Resource Management Solutions, Volume 3: Socio-Economic Systems, pp.1107-1112, Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand Inc., July 2003.
T. Kusakawa and T. Saijo, "Emissions Trading Experiments: Investment Uncertainty Reduces Market Efficiency," T. Sawa (ed.), International Frameworks and Technological Strategies to Prevent Climate Change, pp.45-65, Springer-Verlag, 2003.
T. Kusakawa and T. Saijo, "Emissions Trading Experiments: Investment Uncertainty and Liability," A. E. Rizzoli and A. J. Jakeman (eds.), Integrated Assessment and Decision Support: Proceedings of the First Biennial Meeting of the International Environmental Modelling and Software Society, Vol. 2, pp.454-459, iEMSs, June 2002.
草川孝夫・西條辰義 「ダブル・オークションと相対取引」 『経済セミナー』, 2002年6月号,pp.80-85.
草川孝夫・西條辰義 「地球温暖化 環境鎖国の経済的帰結」 『経済セミナー』, 2000年12月号, pp.36-41.