研究分野 主な関心領域
1989年 早稲田大学商学部卒業
1991年 ボストン大学院経済学修士号(M.A.)取得
1998年 ニューヨーク大学経済学博士号(Ph.D.)取得
1998年9月 - 2001年8月 チェコ国立カレル大学、Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education - Economic Institute (CERGE-EI)、経済大学院助教授
2001年1月 - 2001年6月 米国ミシガン大学ビジネススクール、客員教授
2001年9月 - 2002年8月 米国ニューヨーク市立大学ハンターカレッジ、経済学部助教授
2002年9月 - 2008年9月 国際通貨基金、IMF研修所、エコノミスト
2008年10月 - 2012年12月 国際通貨基金、欧州局、エコノミスト・シニアエコノミスト
2013年1月 - 2013年12月 国際通貨基金(IMF)アジア太平洋地域事務所 所長補佐
How Emerging Europe Came Through the 2008/09 Crisis, Chapter 2: Washington DC: International Monetary Fund, 2012 (edited by Bakker and Klingen).
Foreign Direct Investment in the Czech Republic Prior to Joining the European Union, Chapter 2: CERGE-EI, Prague, Czech Republic, 2010 (edited by Petr Zemcik).
Managing Development: Globalization, Economic Restructuring and Social Policy, Chapter 10: Routledge, New York, NY, 2006 (edited by Junji Nakagawa).
Working Papers
"Sectoral Composition of Foreign Direct Investment and External Vulnerability," IMF Working Paper WP/11/123, May 2011.
"Foreign Direct Investment and Structural Reform: Evidence from Eastern Europe and Latin America," (with Nauro Campos), CEPR Discussion Paper No. 6690, 2008.
"On the Role of Absorptive Capacity: FDI Matters to Growth," (with Chia-Hui Lu), University of Michigan William Davidson Institute Working Paper Series, No. 845, 2006.
"Why does FDI Go Where It Goes? Evidence from Transition Economies," (with Nauro Campos), IMF Working Paper WP/03/228, 2003.
"R&D and Technology Spillovers through FDI: Innovation and Absorptive Capacity," CEPR Discussion Paper No. 2775, 2000.
"Technology Spillovers through Foreign Direct Investment," University of Michigan William Davidson Institute Working Paper No. 221, 1999.
"Firm Size and the Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment," CERGE-EI Working Paper No. 135, 1998.
Papers Published in Refereed Journals
"Structural Reforms, Financial Liberalization and Foreign Direct Investment," (with Nauro Campos) (2010), IMF Staff Papers, Vol. 57, No. 2, 326-365.
"Foreign Direct Investment as Technology Transferred: Some Panel Evidence from Transition Economics," (with Nauro Campos) (2002), The Manchester School, Vol.70, No. 3, 368-419.
"Private Information for Foreign Investment in Emerging Economies," (with Ashoka Mody) (2001), Canadian Journal of Economics 34, 448-464.
Other Publications
"Foreign Direct Investment and the Crisis: Is This Time Different?" IMF Research Bulletin (March 2012).
"Reforming to Attract Foreign Investors," (March 2008) published in blog at VoxEu: http://www.voxeu.org/index.php?q=node/998
"Is Foreign Direct Investment a Panacea?" IMF Research Bulletin (March 2008).