研究分野 主な関心領域
1982年 東京大学法学部第3類(政治コース)卒業
1990年 ウィスコンシン大学マディソン校にて経済学修士号(M.S.)取得
1991年 同校にて経済学博士号(Ph.D.)取得
1982年 - 1986年 (財)国際開発センター研究助手
1991年 - 1994年 ニューヨーク州立大学オルバニー校経済学部助教授
1994年 - 2000年 慶應義塾大学経済学部助教授
2000年 - 慶應義塾大学経済学部教授
2008年 - 東アジア・アセアン経済研究センター(ERIA)チーフエコノミスト
2010年 - 2012年 日本国際経済学会会長
2012年 - 2014年 公益財団法人東京経済研究センター(TCER)代表理事
2015年 - 2017年 慶應義塾大学大学院経済学研究科委員長
2016年 - 2019年 独立行政法人日本学術振興会学術システム研究センター専門研究員
2016年 - 2022年 産業構造審議会臨時委員・通商・貿易分科会不公正貿易政策・措置調査小委員会委員長
2017年 - 2021年 慶應義塾大学経済研究所国際経済学研究センター長
- 『国際経済学入門』日本評論社、2000
- 『東アジア生産ネットワークと経済統合』慶應義塾大学出版会、2016(大久保敏弘氏、安藤光代氏、松浦寿幸氏、早川和伸氏との共著)
- 『国際経済学のフロンティア:グローバリゼーションの拡大と対外経済政策』東京大学出版会、2016(椋寛氏との共編)
- 『これからの東アジア:保護主義の台頭とメガFTAs』文眞堂、2020(編著)
- 『国際通商秩序の地殻変動:米中対立・WTO・地域統合と日本』勁草書房、2022(西脇修氏との共編)
- 『変質するグローバル化と世界経済秩序の行方:米中対立とウクライナ危機による新たな構図』、文眞堂、2023 (馬田啓一氏、浦田秀次郎氏との共編)
- "The Gravity Equation in International Trade in Services." Review of World Economics, 142(1), 2006: 92-121 (with H.-H. Lee).
- "International Production and Distribution Networks in East Asia: Eighteen Facts, Mechanics, and Policy Implications." Asian Economic Policy Review, 1(2), 2006: 326-344.
- "Exports, FDI, Productivity: Dynamic Evidence from Japanese Firms." Review of World Economics, 141(4), 2006: 695-719 (with K. Kiyota).
- "Foreign-owned versus Domestically-owned Firms: Economic Performance in Japan." Review of Development Economics, 11(1), 2007: 31-48 (with K. Kiyota).
- "Fragmentation and Parts and Components Trade: Comparison between East Asia and Europe." North American Journal of Economic and Finance, 18(1), 2007: 23-40 (with Y. Takahashi and K. Hayakawa).
- "The Effect of Exchange Rate Volatility on International Trade in East Asia." Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, 23(4), 2009: 395-406 (With K. Hayakawa).
- "How Did the Japanese Exports Respond to Two Crises in the International Production Network? The Global Financial Crisis and the Great East Japan Earthquake." Asian Economic Journal, 26(3), 2012: 261-287 (with M. Ando).
- "Production Linkage of Asia and Europe via Central and Eastern Europe." Journal of Economic Integration, 28(2), 2013: 204-240 (with M. Ando).
- "Asian Fragmentation in the Global Financial Crisis." International Review of Economics and Finance, 31, 2014: 114-127 (with T. Okubo and N. Teshima).
- "Nonconventional Provisions in Regional Trade Agreements: Do They Enhance International Trade?" Journal of Applied Economics, 17, 2014: 113-138 (with K. Hayakawa and K. Nabeshima).
- "Evolution of Machinery Production Networks: Linkage of North America with East Asia." Asian Economic Papers, 14(3), 2014: 121-160 (with M. Ando).
- "How Much Do Free Trade Agreements Reduce Impediments to Trade?" Open Economies Review. Published on line: October 24, 2014 (with K. Hayakawa).
- "Globalization and Domestic Operations: Applying the JC/JD Method to Japanese Manufacturing Firms." Asian Economic Papers, 14(2), 2015: 1-35 (with M. Ando).
- "Trade Creating Effects of Regional Trade Agreements: Tariff Reduction versus Non-tariff Barrier Removal." Review of Development Economics, 20(1), 2016: 317-326 (with K. Hayakawa and T. Ito).
- "The Role of China, Japan, and Korea in Machinery Production Networks." International Economic Journal, 30(2), 2016: 169-190 (with A. Obashi).
- "Deepening and Widening of Production Networks in ASEAN." Asian Economic Papers, 16(1), 2017: 1-27 (with A. Obashi).
- "Industrialization and Poverty Reduction in East Asia: Internal Labor Movements Matter." Journal of Asian Economics, 48, 2017: 23-37 (with M. S. Chang).
- "Unbundling Regimes and Development Strategies in ASEAN: Old Issues and New Challenges." Journal of Southeast Asian Economies, 35(1), 2018: 13-21.
- "Value Chain Connectivity in Indonesia: The Evolution of Unbundlings." Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies, 54(2), 2018: 165-192 (with L. Chen).
- "Measuring the Usage of Preferential Tariffs in the World." Review of World Economics, 154(4,) 2018: 705-723 (with K. Hayakawa and N. Laksanapanyakul).
- "Are Production Networks Passé? Not Yet." Asian Economic Papers, 17(3), 2018: 86-107 (with A. Obashi).
- "Defending the Rule-based Trading Regime: The Multilateral Trading System at Risk and Required Responses." Asian Economic Papers, 18(3), 2019: 78-87.
- "Pandemic (COVID-19) Policy, Regional Cooperation and the Emerging Global Production Network." Asian Economic Journal, 34(1), 2020: 3-27 (with S.M. Thangavelu, D. Narjoko, and C. Findlay).
- "The Impact of COVID-19 and the US-China Confrontation on East Asian Production Networks." Seoul Journal of Economics, 34(1), 2021: 27-41.
- "RCEP from the Middle Powers' Perspective." China Economic Journal, 2021. DOI: 10.1080/17538963.2021.1933059.
- "International Production Networks Are Overcoming COVID-19 Shocks: Evidence from Japan's Machinery Trade." Asian Economic Papers, 20(3), 2021: 40-72 (with M. Ando and A. Obashi).
- "East Asian Production Networks Go Beyond the Gravity Prediction." Asian Economic Papers, 21(2), 78-101, 2022 (with M. Ando and K. Yamanouchi).
- "Robustness and Resilience of Supply Chains during the COVID-19 Pandemic." The World Economy, November, 2022 (https://doi.org/10.1111/twec.13372) (with Y.Todo, K. Oikawa, M. Ambashi, and S. Urata).
- "How Far Has India Integrated with the East Asian Economies? Evidence from the International Trade Data." The Journal of Southeast Asian Economies (JSEAE), 39(3), 251-272, 2022 (with M. Ando and K. Yamanouchi).
- "The Rules-based Approach to Cope with China: The Case of E-commerce." Working Paper, Strategic Japan 2022: Competition in New Domains, Washington, DC: Center for Strategic & International Studies (CSIS), 2022 (https://csis-website-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/FINAL_Strategic%20Japan_Kimura.pdf?2JyvXYPKYiUOY6wXplRpquT4SjTvaab8).
- "Supply Chain Decoupling: Geopolitical Debates and Economic Dynamism in East Asia." Asian Economic Policy Review, 19(1) , 2023 (doi: 10.1111/aepr.12439) (M. Ando and K. Hayakawa).
- 1997年 First Order of King Hussain Decoration of Distinguished Service to the Country, The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
- 2015年 日本国際経済学会小島清賞第10回研究奨励賞