研究分野 主な関心領域
2000年 東京大学 工学部卒業
2002年 東京大学大学院 工学系研究科修了
2007年 ブラウン大学 経済学修士 (M.A.)取得
2011年 ブラウン大学 経済学博士 (Ph.D.)取得
2002年 - 2008年 経済産業省
2011年 米国デロイトTax LLP エコノミスト
2012年 - 2014年 米国ボーリング・グリーン州立大学 経済学部助教授
2015年 - 2016年 英国ダラム大学ビジネススクール 経済・ファイナンス学科専任講師
2017年 - 2022年 英国ダラム大学ビジネススクール 経済・ファイナンス学科 准教授
2019年 - 2021年 英国ダラム大学ビジネススクール 実験経済センター長(EMBR)
2022年 - 現在 慶應義塾大学経済学部教授
- "Endogenous Monitoring through Voluntary Reporting in an Infinitely Repeated Prisoner’s Dilemma Game: Experimental Evidence." Economica (accepted in April 2024).
- "Self-Regulatory Resources and Institutional Formation: An Experiment." Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization (accepted in April 2024).
- "Free Riding, Democracy and Sacrifice in the Workplace: Evidence from a Real Effort Experiment" (with Katy Tabero). Journal of Economics & Management Strategy (accepted in November 2023).
- "Civic Engagement, the Leverage Effect and the Accountable State" (with Louis Putterman and Jean-Robert Tyran). European Economic Review, Volume 156, Article 104466 (July 2023).
- "Peer Learning in Teams and Work Performance: Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment" (with John Ashworth). Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization Volume 207, Pages 413-432 (March 2023).
- "Free Riding and Workplace Democracy – Heterogeneous Task Preferences and Sorting” (with Thomas Markussen). Management Science, Volume 69(7), pp. 3884-3904 (July 2023).
- "Transfer Paradox in a General Equilibrium Economy: an Experimental Investigation." Economics Letters Volume 211, Article 110253 (February 2022).
- "Observability of Partners’ Past Play and Cooperation: Experimental Evidence" (with Hajime Kobayashi and Tsz Kwan Tse). Economics Letters Volume 210, Article 110186 (January 2022).
- "Incomplete Political Contracts with Secret Ballots: Reciprocity as a Force to Enforce Sustainable Clientelistic Relationships." The Journal of Law, Economics, & Organization Volume 37, pp. 392-439 (July 2021).
- "Voluntary Disclosure of Information and Cooperation in Simultaneous-Move Economic Interactions." Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization Volume 171, pp. 234-246 (March 2020).
- "The Democracy Effect: a weights-based identification strategy" (with Pedro Dal Bó and Andrew Foster). NBER Working Paper #25724.
- "Cooperation and Endogenous Repetition in an Infinitely Repeated Social Dilemma." International Journal of Game Theory Volume 48, pp. 797-834 (September 2019).
- "Power of Joint Decision-Making in a Finitely-Repeated Dilemma." Oxford Economic Papers Volume 71, pp. 600-622 (July 2019).
- "The Role of Visibility on Third Party Punishment Actions for the Enforcement of Social Norms." Economics Letters Volume 171, pp. 193-197 (October 2018).
- "Group Size Effect and Over-Punishment in the Case of Third Party Enforcement of Social Norms." Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization Volume 175, pp. 395-412 (July 2020).
- "Disapproval Aversion or Inflated Inequity Acceptance? The Impact of Expressing Emotions in Ultimatum Bargaining" (with Josie I Chen). Experimental Economics Volume 21, pp. 836-857 (December 2018).
- "Reputation Transmission without Benefit to the Reporter: a Behavioral Underpinning of Markets in Experimental Focus" (with Louis Putterman). Economic Inquiry Volume 56, pp. 158-172 (January 2018).
- "Endogenous Reputation Formation under the Shadow of the Future." Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization Volume 142, pp. 189-204 (October 2017).
- "Promoting Competition or Helping the Less Endowed? Distributional Preferences and Collective Institutional Choices under Intra-Group Inequality." Journal of Conflict Resolution Volume 62, pp. 626-655 (March 2018).
- "Democracy and Resilient Pro-Social Behavioral Change: An Experimental Study." Social Choice and Welfare Volume 47, pp. 359–378 (August 2016).
- "Punishment can Support Cooperation even when Punishable" (with Tinting Fu, Yunan Ji, Louis Putterman). Economics Letters Volume 154, pp. 84-87 (May 2017).
- "In Broad Daylight: Fuller Information and Higher-order Punishment Opportunities Can Promote Cooperation" (with Louis Putterman). Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization Volume 120, pp. 145-159 (December 2015).
- "Play it Again: Partner Choice, Reputation Building and Learning from Finitely-Repeated Dilemma Games" (with Louis Putterman). The Economic Journal Volume 127, pp. 1069-1095 (June 2017).
- "Conditional Punishment." Economics Letters Volume 124, pp. 199-202 (August 2014).
- "State or Nature? Endogenous Formal vs. Informal Sanctions in the Voluntary Provision of Public Goods" (with Louis Putterman and Jean-Robert Tyran). Experimental Economics Volume 18, pp. 38-65 (March 2015).
- "From Locality to Continent: A Comment on the Generalization of an Experimental Study." Journal of Socio-Economics Volume 41, pp. 207-210 (April, 2012).
- "Self-Regulatory Strength and Dynamic Optimal Purchase." Economics Letters Volume 115, pp. 452-454 (June 2012).
- "Public Goods and Voting on Formal Sanction Schemes" (with Louis Putterman and Jean-Robert Tyran). Journal of Public Economics Volume 95, pp. 1213-1222 (October 2011).
- 亀井憲樹(著)『はじめての実験経済学:やさしくわかる意思決定の特徴』オーム社(2024年12月)