
JIP Database 2023

Japan Industrial Productivity Database 2023 (JIP Database 2023)

The Japan Industrial Productivity Database 2023 (JIP Database 2023) is the latest version of the JIP Database compiled in a collaborative effort between RIETI under its East Asian Industrial Productivity Project within the Raising Industrial Firm Productivity Program and Hitotsubashi University.

The JIP Database 2023 comprises, for the period from 1994 to 2020, various types of annual data necessary for estimating total factor productivity (TFP) in 100 industries covering Japan's economy as a whole, including capital service input indices and capital costs, quality-adjusted labor service input indices and labor costs, nominal and real output and intermediate inputs, as well as growth accounting results, including estimates of TFP growth rates, and a decomposition of labor productivity improvements. Moreover, for quality-adjusted labor service input indices and labor costs, nominal and real output and intermediate inputs, and labor productivity growth, data up to 2021 are provided.

As control totals of nominal values for the JIP 2023, benchmark year 2015 production-side data (based on the 2008 SNA) are used; however, since these data are available only from 1994 onward, the JIP 2023, like the JIP 2021, only covers the period from 1994 onward.

The Japanese economy experienced a significant drop in real GDP in 2020 due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, followed by a moderate recovery. The JIP 2023 covers this period.

The links below provide notes (in Japanese) on the revisions made in the JIP Database 2018. However, for a more detailed explanation of the estimation methods, see Kyoji Fukao (ed.), “Service Sangyo no Seisansei to Nihon Keizai: JIP Database niyoru Jissho Bunseki to Teigen [Service Sector Productivity and the Japanese Economy: An Empirical Analysis Using the JIP Database,” University of Tokyo Press, 2021 (in Japanese).

The JIP Database 2023 was compiled by the following scholars.

Annual input-output tables

  • TAHARA, Shinji (Chiba University of Commerce)
  • MATSUURA, Toshiyuki (Keio University)
  • MAKINO,Tatsuji (Hitotsubashi and RIETI)
  • KIM, YoungGak (Senshu University)
  • KWON, Hyeog Ug (Nihon University and RIETI)
  • FUKAO, Kyoji (Hitotsubashi University, IDE-JETRO, and RIETI)

Capital service input data

  • MIYAGAWA, Tsutomu (Gakushuin University and RIETI)
  • INUI, Tomohiko (Gakushuin University and RIETI)
  • IKEUCHI, Kenta (RIETI)
  • ISHIKAWA, Takayuki (Rissho University and (until December 31, 2022) RIETI)
  • ISHIZUKI, Noriyuki (Keio University and (until March 31, 2022) RIETI)

Labor input data

  • TOKUI, Joji (Shinshu University)
  • MAKINO, Tatsuji (Hitotsubashi and RIETI)

Supplementary tables

  • ITO, Keiko (Chiba University): Share of workers by occupation
  • HANEDA, Sho (Nihon University): Share of workers by occupation
  • INUI, Tomohiko (Gakushuin University and RIETI): Regulation index
  • MATSUURA, Toshiyuki (Keio University): Outward FDI statistics

Investment and capital stock in intangible assets

  • MIYAGAWA, Tsutomu (Gakushuin University and RIETI)
  • TAKIZAWA, Miho (Gakushuin University)
  • TONOGI, Konomi (Rissho University)
  • ISHIKAWA, Takayuki (Rissho University and (until December 31, 2022) RIETI)

In earlier versions of the JIP Database, the following intangible assets -- research and development, mineral exploitation and appraisal, and computer software -- were included in the supplementary tables. In the JIP Database 2023, like in the JIP 2021, these are now included in the capital service input data. As for extending the estimation of the remaining intangible assets, we aim to do so by the end of FY2023.

The original version of the JIP Database -- the ESRI/Hi-Stat JIP Database 2003 -- was compiled in collaboration with the Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI), Cabinet Office.

The key characteristics of the JIP Database 2023, like earlier versions, include the following:

  • Both the database itself and the underlying original data are defined as public property and thus, in principle, will be made available to the general public.
  • The JIP Database 2023 forms part of the EU KLEMS project, the EU's World Input-Output Database (WIOD) project, the Asia KLEMS project, and the World KLEMS project. By estimating TFP by industry for the major EU member states, the United States, South Korea, and other countries, these projects make possible international productivity comparisons by industry, including for Japan.

Kyoji Fukao
Tsutomu Miyagawa

Terms of Use of the Data

When using the data, please cite the JIP Database 2023 published by the Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry (RIETI) and Hitotsubashi University as the data source.

In addition, we would be grateful if you could send us a copy of any research papers and publications using the data.

For inquiries, please contact:
JIP Database Office, Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University

Data download

1. Input-output tables

  1. updated June 21, 2024

    1) Supply tables in current prices [XLSX:1.2MB]

  2. updated June 21, 2024

    2) Supply tables in constant prices [XLSX:1.2MB]

  3. updated June 21, 2024

    3) Supply tables in previous years' prices [XLSX:1.2MB]

  4. updated June 21, 2024

    4) Use tables in current prices [XLSX:2.1MB]

  5. updated June 21, 2024

    5) Use tables in constant prices [XLSX:2.0MB]

  6. updated June 21, 2024

    6) Use tables in previous years' prices [XLSX:1.9MB]

  7. updated June 21, 2024

    7) Input-Output tables (industry-by-industry) in current prices [XLSX:2.3MB]

  8. updated June 21, 2024

    8) Input-Output tables (industry-by-industry) in constant prices [XLSX:2.2MB]

  9. updated June 21, 2024

    9) Input-Output tables (industry-by-industry) in previous years' prices [XLSX:2.1MB]

  10. updated June 21, 2024

    10) Input-Output tables (product-by-product) in current prices [XLSX:2.1MB]

  11. updated June 21, 2024

    11) Input-Output tables (product-by-product) in constant prices [XLSX:2.1MB]

  12. updated June 21, 2024

    12) Input-Output tables (product-by-product) in previous years' prices [XLSX:2.0MB]

2. Capital input [XLS:2.6MB]

updated March 11, 2024

1) Investment and stock by sector and asset

  1. i) Nominal investment by sector
  2. ii) Real investment by sector
  3. iii) Indices of capital input by sector
  4. iv) Indices of capital quality by sector
  5. v) Nominal net capital stock by sector
  6. vi) Real net capital stock by sector
  7. vii) Nominal capital cost by sector (nominal rental price × real net capital stock)
  8. viii) Nominal investment by asset
  9. ix) Real investment by asset
  10. x) Nominal net capital stock by sector
  11. xi) Real net capital stock by asset
  12. xii) Nominal capital cost by asset (nominal rental price × real net capital stock)

2) Investment matrix and stock matrix

  1. i) Nominal investment matrix
  2. ii) Real investment matrix
  3. iii) Nominal capital stock matrix
  4. iv) Real capital stock matrix
  5. v) Nominal capital cost matrix

3. Labor input

  1. updated July 10, 2023

    1) Indices of labor input by sector (2015=1.000) [XLS:52KB]

  2. updated July 10, 2023

    2) Average annual change in indices of labor input by sector (%) [XLS:27KB]

  3. updated July 10, 2023

    3) Indices of hours worked by sector (2015=1.000) [XLS:53KB]

  4. updated July 10, 2023

    4) Average annual change in hours worked (%) [XLS:27KB]

  5. updated July 10, 2023

    5) Indices of labor quality by sector (2015=1.000) [XLS:49KB]

  6. updated July 10, 2023

    6) Average annual change in indices of labor quality by sector (%) [XLS:27KB]

  7. updated July 10, 2023

    7) Number of workers by sector (persons) [XLS:50KB]

  8. updated July 10, 2023

    8) Hours worked by sector (1,000 worker hours) [XLS:50KB]

  9. updated July 10, 2023

    9) Nominal labor costs by sector (million yen) [XLS:50KB]

  10. updated July 10, 2023

    10) Share of female workers (female workers / total workers, %) [XLS:49KB]

  11. updated July 10, 2023

    11) Share of part-time workers (part-time workers / total workers, %) [XLS:49KB]

  12. updated July 710, 2023

    12) Share of workers aged 55 and over (workers aged 55 and over / total workers, %) [XLS:48KB]

4. Growth accounting [Excel: 3.9MB]

updated July 10, 2023

  1. 1) List of contents
  2. 2) Definition of aggregated sectors
  3. 3) Real gross output (million yen, in chain-linked 2015 prices)
  4. 4) Nominal gross output (million yen)
  5. 5) Real intermediate inputs (million yen, in chain-linked 2015 prices)
  6. 6) Nominal intermediate inputs (million yen)
  7. 7) Real value added (million yen, in chain-linked 2015 prices)
  8. 8) Nominal value added (million yen)
  9. 9) Labor input index (Divisia index, 2015=1.000)
  10. 10) Hours worked index (2015=1.000)
  11. 11) Labor quality index (2015=1.000)
  12. 12) Nominal labor costs (million yen)
  13. 13) Capital service input (Divisia index, 2015=1.000)
  14. 14) Real net capital stock index (2015=1.000)
  15. 15) Capital quality index (2015=1.000)
  16. 16) Nominal capital service input (nominal rental price*real net capital stock, million yen)
  17. 17) Cost share of each production factor (including intermediate inputs)
  18. 18) Cost share of each production factor (excluding intermediate inputs)
  19. 19) Growth rate of real gross output
  20. 20) Contribution of intermediate inputs (gross output basis)
  21. 21) Contribution of hours worked (gross output basis)
  22. 22) Contribution of labor quality (gross output basis)
  23. 23) Contribution of real net capital stock (gross output basis)
  24. 24) Contribution of capital quality (gross output basis)
  25. 25) TFP growth rate (gross output basis)
  26. 26) Growth accounting (gross output basis)
  27. 27) Growth rate of real value added
  28. 28) Contribution of hours worked (value added basis)
  29. 29) Contribution of labor quality (value added basis)
  30. 30) Contribution of real net capital stock (value added basis)
  31. 31) Contribution of capital quality (value added basis)
  32. 32) TFP growth rate (value added basis)
  33. 33) Growth accounting (value added basis)
  34. 34) Labor productivity growth rate (value added/total hours worked)
  35. 35) Growth rate of total hours worked
  36. 36) Contribution of labor quality (value added basis, identical to VConLC)
  37. 37) Contribution of capital stock per total hours worked
  38. 38) Contribution of capital quality (identical to VConKC)
  39. 39) TFP growth by industry (value added basis, identical to TFPva)
  40. 40) Growth accounting 1 (labor productivity growth=value added/total hours worked)
  41. 41) Growth accounting 2 (labor productivity growth=value added/total hours worked)

5. Supplementary tables (data are being updated and will be released as and when they have been updated)

  1. updated November 24, 2023

    4) Exports of goods by industry, major partner countries and region (Current prices, 1994-2021) [XLSX:2.2MB]

  2. updated November 24, 2023

    (Reference Tables) Statistics based on the former JIP database industry classification
    Exports of goods by industry, major partner countries and region (Current prices, 1980-2021) [XLSX:3.0MB]

  3. updated November 24, 2023

    5) Imports of goods by industry, major partner countries and region (Current prices, 1994-2021) [XLSX:1.9MB]

  4. updated November 24, 2023

    (Reference Tables) Statistics based on the former JIP database industry classification
    Imports of goods by industry, major partner countries and region (Current prices, 1980-2018) [XLSX:2.6MB]

Supplementary tables (JIP2015)

6. Investment and capital stock in intangible assets (coming soon)