The Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry (RIETI) is a policy think tank established in 2001. Its mission is to conduct theoretical and empirical research, maximize synergies with those engaged in policymaking, and to make policy proposals based on evidence derived from such research activities. The institute is highly regarded both in Japan and abroad for its activity. What is RIETI? Facebook Twitter YouTube RIETI - Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry

What is RIETI?

The Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry (RIETI) is a policy think tank established in 2001. Its mission is to conduct theoretical and empirical research, maximize synergies with those engaged in policymaking, and to make policy proposals based on evidence derived from such research activities. The institute is highly regarded both in Japan and abroad for its activity.

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Special Feature on Economic Security List of Memorandum of Understanding (MoUs) rietichannel: Video in English


Shiro ARMSTRONG's Photo

The Next Phase of Australia and Japan's Economic Security Policies

October 22, 2024 [East Asian Economic Strategies]

ARMSTRONG, Shiro (Visiting Fellow, RIETI)

An Asian Agenda for Economic Security and Prosperity (Handouts and Video)

October 17, 2024 [Symposiums]

Member''s photo

Towards a Reset in EU-UK Relations?

October 8, 2024 [Workshops]

IZA Authors' Photo

Estimating the return to schooling using the Mincer equation
The Mincer equation gives comparable estimates of the average monetary Returns of one additional year of education

October 8, 2024 [From IZA]

Harry Anthony PATRINOS (World Bank and University of Arkansas, USA)

Article graph

To comply or not to comply: Understanding neutral country supply chain responses to Russian sanctions

October 4, 2024 [Perspectives from Around the World]

LI Haishi "Harry" (Assistant Professor of Economics at University Of Hong Kong) / LI Zhi (PhD student at Chinese University Of Hong Kong) / PARK Ziho (Assistant Professor at National Taiwan University) / WANG Yulin (PhD student at University Of Hong Kong) / WU Jing (Associate Professor, Department of Decisions, Operations and Technology at Chinese University Of Hong Kong)

TSURU Kotaro's photo

AI to Qualitatively Improve Job Offers and Applications

October 3, 2024 [Newspapers & Magazines]

TSURU Kotaro (Program Director and Faculty Fellow, RIETI)

MATSUMOTO Rie's photo

Shifting Global Technology Landscape: Current position of Japan as indicated by the "Critical Technology Tracker"

October 3, 2024 [Column]

MATSUMOTO Rie (Consulting Fellow, RIETI)

Book cover

Rethinking Japanese Economic Policy at the Turn of the 21st Century

October 2, 2024 [RIETI Books (English)]

Edited by TAKEDA Haruhiko, WATANABE Junko

Challenges for Japan’s Trade Policy: Rebuilding a Rules-Based International Order & Resilient Supply Chains with the Global South

September 30, 2024 [Newspapers & Magazines]

KAWASE Tsuyoshi (Faculty Fellow, RIETI) / OBA Mie (Professor, Faculty of Law, Kanagawa University) / INOMATA Satoshi (Doctor, Chief Senior Researcher, Institute of Developing Economies, JETRO) / Moderator: TOYODA Masakazu (Chairman & CEO, Japan Economic Foundation)

OWAN Hideo's Photo

Can Labor Market Reform Be Accelerated? Policies to enhance human capital investment

September 30, 2024 [Newspapers & Magazines]

OWAN Hideo (Faculty Fellow, RIETI)


Economic Security

Our society, as an international community, is at a historical turning point, as the modern era of globalization that began with the end of the Cold War comes to a close. Economic security has become an important theme as geopolitical risks increase. The security environment surrounding Japan is also becoming particularly severe. In this international context, The Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry (RIETI) is expected to have a deep understanding of the impacts of these geopolitical risks and economic security considerations on the economy and industry through various types of economic analysis, including data-based empirical analysis, and to make recommendations for economic, trade, and industrial policies from its academic insights. For this reason, we have compiled and “visualized” the research conducted at RIETI which is relevant to these topics as a special feature.

RIETI-ANU Symposium series

RIETI and Australian National University (ANU) have been jointly holding symposiums. Experts from the Asia-Pacific region gather to discuss various issues that are piling up in the increasingly uncertain global economy.

Global Intelligence Series

We invite leading experts from Japan, the United States, Europe, and other Asian countries to give lectures about various global issues including economic security and regional affairs such as the U.S.-China conflict, the situation in the Middle East, the prospects of the Chinese economy, climate change, environmental and energy issues, the post-corona global trade system, supply chain risks, SDGs, etc. Many policy proposals are derived from information collected and discussed in these lectures.

Memorandum of Understanding (MoUs)

What's NewRSS


October 22, 2024 [East Asian Economic Strategies]

The Next Phase of Australia and Japan's Economic Security Policies

ARMSTRONG, Shiro (Visiting Fellow, RIETI)


October 22, 2024 [Discussion Papers (Japanese)]

The Effect of the Support Policy for Promotional Activities of Local Shopping Streets - Evidence from temporary suspension of the “GoTo Shotengai” policy -

ARAKI Shota (Fellow (Policy Economist), RIETI) / TANAKA Momoka (University of Tokyo)


October 17, 2024 [Symposiums]

An Asian Agenda for Economic Security and Prosperity (Handouts and Video)


October 16, 2024 [Symposiums]

Innovation Capability of Japanese Industry from an International Perspective


October 16, 2024 [Discussion Papers (Japanese)]

An Empirical Analysis of the Determinants of Civic Virtue: Income level in adulthood vs. sociality acquisition in childhood

KUME Koichi (Toyo University) / TSURU Kotaro (Faculty Fellow, RIETI) / SANO Shinpei (Kobe University) / YASUI Kengo (Aoyama Gakuin University)


October 15, 2024 [Discussion Papers (Japanese)]

An Empirical Analysis of the Relationship between Independent Self-employed Worker Status and Worker Performance

KUME Koichi (Toyo University) / TSURU Kotaro (Faculty Fellow, RIETI) / KAWAKAMI Atsushi (Toyo University)


October 11, 2024 [Discussion Papers (Japanese)]

Empirical Analysis of the Gender Gap in Mathematics Proficiency and College Enrollment in Science and Engineering

SANO Shinpei (Kobe University) / YASUI Kengo (Aoyama Gakuin University) / TSURU Kotaro (Faculty Fellow, RIETI) / KUME Koichi (Toyo University)


October 11, 2024 [RIETI Report]

Key Issues in Economic Analysis in an Increasingly Turbulent Security Environment

TOMIURA Eiichi (President and CRO, RIETI)


October 8, 2024 [Symposiums]

A Week Before the U.S. Election: Who is up, who is down?


October 8, 2024 [Workshops]

Towards a Reset in EU-UK Relations?


October 8, 2024 [From IZA]

Estimating the return to schooling using the Mincer equation
The Mincer equation gives comparable estimates of the average monetary Returns of one additional year of education

Harry Anthony PATRINOS (World Bank and University of Arkansas, USA)


October 4, 2024 [Perspectives from Around the World]

To comply or not to comply: Understanding neutral country supply chain responses to Russian sanctions

LI Haishi "Harry" (Assistant Professor of Economics at University Of Hong Kong) / LI Zhi (PhD student at Chinese University Of Hong Kong) / PARK Ziho (Assistant Professor at National Taiwan University) / WANG Yulin (PhD student at University Of Hong Kong) / WU Jing (Associate Professor, Department of Decisions, Operations and Technology at Chinese University Of Hong Kong)


October 4, 2024 [Non Technical Summaries]

How Oil Prices Impact the Taiwanese Economy: Evidence from the stock market

Willem THORBECKE (Senior Fellow, RIETI)


October 4, 2024 [Non Technical Summaries]

How Oil Prices Impact the Indonesian and South Korean Economies: Evidence from the stock market

Willem THORBECKE (Senior Fellow, RIETI)


October 3, 2024 [Newspapers & Magazines]

AI to Qualitatively Improve Job Offers and Applications

TSURU Kotaro (Program Director and Faculty Fellow, RIETI)



October 22, 2024 [Discussion Papers (Japanese)]

The Effect of the Support Policy for Promotional Activities of Local Shopping Streets - Evidence from temporary suspension of the “GoTo Shotengai” policy -

ARAKI Shota (Fellow (Policy Economist), RIETI) / TANAKA Momoka (University of Tokyo)


October 16, 2024 [Discussion Papers (Japanese)]

An Empirical Analysis of the Determinants of Civic Virtue: Income level in adulthood vs. sociality acquisition in childhood

KUME Koichi (Toyo University) / TSURU Kotaro (Faculty Fellow, RIETI) / SANO Shinpei (Kobe University) / YASUI Kengo (Aoyama Gakuin University)


October 15, 2024 [Discussion Papers (Japanese)]

An Empirical Analysis of the Relationship between Independent Self-employed Worker Status and Worker Performance

KUME Koichi (Toyo University) / TSURU Kotaro (Faculty Fellow, RIETI) / KAWAKAMI Atsushi (Toyo University)


October 11, 2024 [Discussion Papers (Japanese)]

Empirical Analysis of the Gender Gap in Mathematics Proficiency and College Enrollment in Science and Engineering

SANO Shinpei (Kobe University) / YASUI Kengo (Aoyama Gakuin University) / TSURU Kotaro (Faculty Fellow, RIETI) / KUME Koichi (Toyo University)


October 4, 2024 [Non Technical Summaries]

How Oil Prices Impact the Taiwanese Economy: Evidence from the stock market

Willem THORBECKE (Senior Fellow, RIETI)


October 4, 2024 [Non Technical Summaries]

How Oil Prices Impact the Indonesian and South Korean Economies: Evidence from the stock market

Willem THORBECKE (Senior Fellow, RIETI)


September 30, 2024 [Discussion Papers (English)]

Evaluation of the Impacts of Trade Restrictions between China and Japan

TAKEDA Shiro (Kyoto Sangyo University) / HIGASHIDA Keisaku (Kwansei Gakuin University) / YOMOGIDA Morihiro (Sophia University)


September 25, 2024 [Discussion Papers (Japanese)]

Taiwan’s Regulations on Economic Exchanges with China and China’s Responses: Implications for China and Taiwan’s accession to the CPTPP

ITO Shingo (Institute for International Economic Studies) / KAWAKAMI Momoko (Kanagawa University)


September 19, 2024 [Policy Discussion Papers (Japanese)]

The Practice of Evidence-Based Policymaking in the United States Federal Government

KOBAYASHI Yohei (Consulting Fellow, RIETI)


September 18, 2024 [Discussion Papers (English)]

How Oil Prices Impact the Taiwanese Economy: Evidence from the stock market

Willem THORBECKE (Senior Fellow, RIETI)


September 18, 2024 [Discussion Papers (English)]

How Oil Prices Impact the Indonesian and South Korean Economies: Evidence from the stock market

Willem THORBECKE (Senior Fellow, RIETI)


September 10, 2024 [Discussion Papers (English)]

Aging Farmers and the Role of Community in Adaptation to Extreme Temperature Effects on Crop Yields

KO Yi-Chun (Asian Growth Research Institute) / UCHIDA Shinsuke (Nagoya City University) / HIBIKI Akira (Consulting Fellow, RIETI)


August 30, 2024 [Non Technical Summaries]

The Evolution of the European Union's China Strategy: Challenges in an era of economic security

TSURUOKA Michito (Keio University)


August 26, 2024 [Non Technical Summaries]

Propagation of Overseas Economic Shocks through Global Supply Chains: Firm-level evidence

INOUE Hiroyasu (University of Hyogo / RIKEN Center for Computational Science) / TODO Yasuyuki (Faculty Fellow, RIETI)


August 22, 2024 [Non Technical Summaries]

Impact of Technological Decoupling between the United States and China on Trade and Welfare

JINJI Naoto (Faculty Fellow, RIETI) / OZAWA Shunya (Kyoto University)



October 22, 2024 [East Asian Economic Strategies]

The Next Phase of Australia and Japan's Economic Security Policies

ARMSTRONG, Shiro (Visiting Fellow, RIETI)


October 11, 2024 [RIETI Report]

Key Issues in Economic Analysis in an Increasingly Turbulent Security Environment

TOMIURA Eiichi (President and CRO, RIETI)


October 8, 2024 [From IZA]

Estimating the return to schooling using the Mincer equation
The Mincer equation gives comparable estimates of the average monetary Returns of one additional year of education

Harry Anthony PATRINOS (World Bank and University of Arkansas, USA)


October 4, 2024 [Perspectives from Around the World]

To comply or not to comply: Understanding neutral country supply chain responses to Russian sanctions

LI Haishi "Harry" (Assistant Professor of Economics at University Of Hong Kong) / LI Zhi (PhD student at Chinese University Of Hong Kong) / PARK Ziho (Assistant Professor at National Taiwan University) / WANG Yulin (PhD student at University Of Hong Kong) / WU Jing (Associate Professor, Department of Decisions, Operations and Technology at Chinese University Of Hong Kong)


October 3, 2024 [Newspapers & Magazines]

AI to Qualitatively Improve Job Offers and Applications

TSURU Kotaro (Program Director and Faculty Fellow, RIETI)


October 3, 2024 [Column]

Shifting Global Technology Landscape: Current position of Japan as indicated by the "Critical Technology Tracker"

MATSUMOTO Rie (Consulting Fellow, RIETI)


September 30, 2024 [Newspapers & Magazines]

Challenges for Japan’s Trade Policy: Rebuilding a Rules-Based International Order & Resilient Supply Chains with the Global South

KAWASE Tsuyoshi (Faculty Fellow, RIETI) / OBA Mie (Professor, Faculty of Law, Kanagawa University) / INOMATA Satoshi (Doctor, Chief Senior Researcher, Institute of Developing Economies, JETRO) / Moderator: TOYODA Masakazu (Chairman & CEO, Japan Economic Foundation)


September 30, 2024 [Newspapers & Magazines]

Can Labor Market Reform Be Accelerated? Policies to enhance human capital investment

OWAN Hideo (Faculty Fellow, RIETI)


September 26, 2024 [Newspapers & Magazines]

Economic Insight: SME classification standard under the Corporation Tax Act should be revised

SATO Motohiro (Faculty Fellow, RIETI)


September 25, 2024 [Newspapers & Magazines]

What is an Ideal Election System? System design could be key to resolving intergenerational inequity

OGURO Kazumasa (Consulting Fellow, RIETI)


September 20, 2024 [RIETI Report]

The Russian sanctions and dollar foreign exchange reserves

Robert N MCCAULEY (Nonresident senior fellow, Global Development Policy Center at Boston University, Associate Member, Faculty of History at University Of Oxford) / Menzie David CHINN (Professor, the University of Wisconsin) / ITO Hiroyuki (Non-Resident Fellow, RIETI)


September 20, 2024 [Column]

Industrial Policies and International Rules: What industrial policies are permissible and to what extent?

AMBASHI Masahito (Consulting Fellow, RIETI)


September 12, 2024 [Perspectives from Around the World]

American Shuntō —Japanese lessons on the limits of symbolic outreach to labor

Chris GRISWOLD (Policy Director, American Compass)


September 11, 2024 [Newspapers & Magazines]

FY2024 Strategic Energy Plan: Being cost conscious regarding decarbonization investments

OHASHI Hiroshi (Program director / Faculty Fellow, RIETI)


September 11, 2024 [Newspapers & Magazines]

Trade Rules & the WTO – Present & Future

NAKATOMI Michitaka (Consulting Fellow, RIETI)


Public Offering