October 20, 2016
Part 15: What Brings About Long-term Changes in Expectations? The mechanisms by which the financial crisis has led to secular stagnation
- KOBAYASHI Keiichiro / Econo-kun
December 9, 2015
Part 14: Deflationary Equilibrium as a Rational Bubble and the Effectiveness of Reflationary Policy
- KOBAYASHI Keiichiro / Econo-kun
November 7, 2014
Part 13: A Model of Secular Stagnation
- KOBAYASHI Keiichiro / Econo-kun
October 16, 2007
Part Ten: Will Technical Change Solve the Wage Inequality Problem?
- KOBAYASHI Keiichiro / Econo-kun
August 20, 2007
Part Nine: Credit Reversal Effect - Does economic expansion collapse endogenously?
- KOBAYASHI Keiichiro / Econo-kun
June 13, 2007
Part Eight: Does the Introduction of Financial Derivatives Invariably Make a Market Incomplete? - "Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem" in Economics
- KOBAYASHI Keiichiro / Econo-kun
April 2, 2007
Part Seven: Changes in the (Trend) Growth Rate and Level of Productivity - Is it possible to explain differences in business cycle fluctuations between developed economies and developing economies with any single factor?
- KOBAYASHI Keiichiro / Econo-kun
October 23, 2006
Part Six: Information Propagation in the Macroeconomy - Is it not possible to integrally understand asset bubbles and rigidity in wages and prices?
- KOBAYASHI Keiichiro / Econo-kun
July 14, 2006
Part Five: 'Indivisible Labor' and the Great Depression
- KOBAYASHI Keiichiro / Econo-kun
May 11, 2006
Part Four: Collateral Constraints and Nominal Debt in the Formation of Monetary Policy - Should monetary policy respond to movements in asset prices?
- KOBAYASHI Keiichiro / Econo-kun
March 30, 2006
Part Three: Are Price Rigidities Truly Important?
- KOBAYASHI Keiichiro / Econo-kun
December 27, 2005
Part Two: A New Understanding of Debt Deflation Theory
- KOBAYASHI Keiichiro / Econo-kun
November 8, 2005
Part One: Did Deflation Really Cause the Great Depression?
- KOBAYASHI Keiichiro / Econo-kun
Kobayashi-sensei's Economic Research Picks
In this feature, RIETI Faculty Fellow KOBAYASHI Keiichiro introduces selected academic papers and literature on economics which he considers important in light of the current economic situation and policy needs.
He explains the key points and significance of these works in an easy-to-understand way for those seeking a more advanced understanding of economics.