The race in the development of artificial intelligence (AI) has become even more competitive all around the world. AI has already started being implemented in real economic activity. Diffusion of AI has the potential to overcome several problems in our society. On the other hand, it also causes several new problems. When we consider the change expected in our society caused by AI diffusion, there is a need to identify the relationships between AI and many factors related to the current policy, law, and economic activity of each entity. The purpose of our research project proposes labor and other policies in considering the impact of AI in the medium and long run.
March 1, 2018 - February 29, 2020
Major Research Results
RIETI Discussion Papers
- 20-J-025
"The Effect of Labor Regulation on Technology Use and Productivity of Japanese Companies" (TANAKA Kenta and MANAGI Shunsuke) - 20-J-023
"Can IT Service Enhance the Productivity of Japanese Firms? - Cloud Computing, CIO, and Japanese Firms' Performance -" (KIM YoungGak and INUI Tomohiko) - 20-J-021
"Patient Acceptance of AI in Medical Institutions" (IWATA Kazuyuki, MORITA Tamaki, TSURUMI Tetsuya and MANAGI Shunsuke)