Programs: Raising Industrial and Firm Productivity

Research on Productivity-improving Capital Investment

Project Leader/Sub-Leader


MIYAGAWA Tsutomu (Faculty Fellow)



This project has two aims. One is to support the construction of an extended version of the Japan Industrial Productivity (JIP) database, estimating comprehensive capital account by industry. In December 2016, the Cabinet Office published a new version of the National Accounts of Japan (SNA), following the SNA 08 standard which recommended including several types of intangibles into the capital account. We will construct a new revised capital account which integrates the tangible capital account with the intangible capital account.

The other aim is to study the effects of several types of capital assets on economic performance. The project’s focus is not only on the complementarity between the usual tangibles and intangibles, but also on the intangibles such as management resources, human resources, and customer satisfaction which are crucial factors for performance in the service sector firms and non-profit organizations.

July 3, 2017 - June 30, 2019

Major Research Results


RIETI Discussion Papers


RIETI Discussion Papers


RIETI Policy Discussion Papers