The startup ecosystem incorporating linkages with external organizations is important to foster new technology-based firms as business uncertainty increases over time. In this research project, we survey high-tech startups and venture capital, and address issues for the startup ecosystem in Japan. In particular, we focus on high-tech startups' linkages with external organizations and examine the performance of spinoffs and corporate venture capital, while taking into account the role of existing organizations in industries. This study provides a better understanding of the startup ecosystem in the Japanese economy and elucidate how effectively high-tech startups conduct innovation through the linkages and networking with external organizations.
October 10, 2017 - September 30, 2019
Major Research Results
RIETI Discussion Papers
- 19-E-101
"Communities of Investors and Start-up Companies: An Analysis Using Bipartite Stochastic Block Model" (KOJAKU Sadamori and MIYAKAWA Daisuke) - 19-E-089
"Potentiality and Actuality: Characteristics and Linkage of Entrepreneurs and Angel Investors in Japan" (NAKAMURA Hiroki, HONJO Yuji and IKEUCHI Kenta) - 19-E-083
"Do Entrepreneurs Have High Life Satisfaction? Evidence from Japan" (HONJO Yuji, IKEUCHI Kenta and NAKAMURA Hiroki) - 20-J-010
"The Role of Business Groups in Creating New, Innovative Firms: Evidence from Partially Owned Firms in Japan" (KIM YoungGak and NAGAOKA Sadao)