Japan faces a new phase of population decline, in addition to a declining birth rate and the rapid population aging. In such situation, the compact city policy is an important concept to achieve high economic growth with efficient fiscal administration including sustainable urban and regional policies. The Japanese government has undertaken policies to revitalize city center districts, and thus there is a growing necessity for policy evaluation. This project aims to contribute to effective policymaking by evaluating these compact city policies that have played a central role in Japan using micro data of household and firms.
September 19, 2017 - August 31, 2019
Major Research Results
RIETI Discussion Papers
RIETI Discussion Papers
- 20-E-053
"The Impact of Market Size on Firm Selection" (KONDO Keisuke and OKUBO Toshihiro) - 20-E-050
"The Revitalization of Shrinking Cities: Lessons from the Japanese Service Sector" (KONDO Keisuke and OKUBO Toshihiro) - 20-E-036
"Heterogeneous Treatment Effects of Place-based Policies: Which Cities Should be Targeted?" (FUJISHIMA Shota, HOSHINO Tadao and SUGAWARA Shinya)
RIETI Discussion Papers
- 19-E-106
"The Costs of Urban Agglomeration: Evidence from the Inbound Tourism Boom in Japan" (KONDO Keisuke) - 19-J-069
"Does Compact City Policy Benefit Incumbent Retailers? Evidence from Toyama City" (IWATA Shinichiro and KONDO Keisuke) - 19-J-063
"Effect of Central City Revitalization Policy on Commerce: Evidence from Establishment-level Data Analysis in Kumamoto" (HONDA Keiichiro and KAWANISHI Takuya)