Research Programs: International Trade and Investment

Firms' Domestic and International Networks

Project Leader/Sub-Leader

TODO Yasuyuki

TODO Yasuyuki (Faculty Fellow)



This study empirically examines how inter-firm networks through such channels as supply chains and capital ownership are formed and how they affect economic activities, using firm-level data. In particular, we focus on (1) the structure of domestic supply chains which are resilient against propagation of economic shocks, (2) the dynamics of domestic and international networks through supply chains and capital ownership and their effect on firm productivity and innovation, and (3) the effect of the relation between political networks of firms and protectionism in middle-income countries on economic growth. The objective of this research project is to provide policy implications related to firm networks to Japan and middle-income countries through empirical examinations.

August 3, 2015 - January 31, 2017

Major Research Results


RIETI Discussion Papers


RIETI Discussion Papers


RIETI Discussion Papers

RIETI Policy Discussion Papers