This project aims to use economic and financial network data, including trade network data original to Japan, to obtain new insights into the macroeconomy. Business cycles, various types of economic crises due to natural disasters and foreign influence, etc. occur as a result of interactions between economic agents such as firms, financial institutions, and governments. Such interactions form networks between them. Furthermore, times series such as financial items, macroeconomic indices, and price data have correlations, which form ties between them as well. Using much of these real big data to construct a multitude of networks and simulation models, we shall reveal the true nature of macroeconomic network dynamics.
July 2, 2018 - June 30, 2020
Major Research Results
RIETI Discussion Papers
- 20-E-049
"Macroscopic Structure and Evolution in the Japanese Production Network" (GOTO Hiromitsu and SOUMA Wataru) - 20-E-044
"Supply-Chain Network Analysis of Kyoto's Traditional Craft Industry" (SATO Daisuke, IKEDA Yuichi, KAWAI Shuichi and Maxmilian SCHICH) - 20-E-037
"The Propagation of Economic Impacts through Supply Chains: The Case of a Mega-city Lockdown to Prevent the Spread of COVID-19" (INOUE Hiroyasu and TODO Yasuyuki)