This project aims to update and refine our Regional-Level Japan Industrial Productivity Database (R-JIP) and conduct related analyses using the database. Since many regions are predicted to face severe declines in their population and rapid aging, it is vital that they conduct a thorough examination of their position within national production networks and design coherent policies to remedy the situation. We plan to upload the newly-updated R-JIP 2017 database, in which data are extended to 2012. In providing R-JIP 2017, we added some major refinement to our estimation methods, which will be explained. We also provide a regional input-output (IO) table categorized by prefectures. Using this original regional IO table, we undertake value chain analysis to give a more accurate picture of vertical specialization of each region, and conduct more sophisticated analysis of regional price level differences, taking into account the input structure and input prices of each service industry. In performing these analyses, we can cast a new light on the background of regional productivity differences.
July 3, 2017 - June 30, 2019
Major Research Results
RIETI Discussion Papers
RIETI Discussion Papers
- 20-J-009
"Japanese Inter-prefectural Input-Output Table: Construction Method and Main Results for 2005" (ARAI Sonoe) - 19-J-054
"Why Do We Observe a Regional Balassa-Samuelson Effect?" (TOKUI Joji) - 19-J-048
"Measuring Prefectural Price Differences of Agricultural Products – Location and Product Quality" (TOKUI Joji and MIZUTA Takeshi)