Research Programs: Industry Frontiers

Globalization, Innovation, and Competition Policy

Project Leader/Sub-Leader


KAWAHAMA Noboru (Faculty Fellow)


OHASHI Hiroshi

OHASHI Hiroshi (Program Director, Faculty Fellow)



The globalization of the economy has entered a new phase and the importance of innovation and competition policies as drivers of economic growth has been increasingly recognized on an international level. Against this background, today, competition laws are actively enforced not only in the United States and the European Union but also in other jurisdictions all over the world. In Japan, too, pursuing an active competition policy and promoting the innovation thereof are vital to the economy. Therefore, it is important to ask what policy issues might arise in this process and what solutions are available. These questions should be resolved by taking into account the real state of the Japanese economy and the necessity of an internationally harmonized approach to competition policy. The goal of the research project is to present the direction that competition policy should take when globalization and innovation are unprecedentedly emphasized. This interdisciplinary project employs insights from economics and legal studies, as well as lessons obtained through practicing law and policy.

July 1, 2015 - December 31, 2016

Major Research Results


RIETI Discussion Papers