To sustain Japan's economic growth under conditions of a declining population, research on productivity growth and innovations is vital. The present project focuses on the role of product innovations which the standard growth accounting or measurement of total factor productivity (TFP) does not fully capture. We also study other neglected aspects of technical progress and innovations. The labor participation of women and working hours are also examined.
2007 - 2008
To maintain Japan's economic vitality in the face of low fertility and aging population, it will be necessary to undertake comprehensive research on improving productivity and promoting technological innovation. Based on a keen awareness of such policy issues, this project is to analyze the mechanisms of economic growth from various angles. While existing studies of economic growth tend to be centered on Total Factor Productivity (TFP), this project will take in a broader range of themes from both experimental and peripheral studies. The project will also research the role of product innovation, an area with few prior empirical studies.
The Japanese economy has broken out of its prolonged recession and embarked upon a new phase of expansion. Looking ahead over the medium to long-term, however, it will be characterized by the aging of society and declining population, and it will follow a new path of growth never experienced in modern times, making it necessary to have knowledge and policies that differ from those before. Given this situation, in our research we analyze the factors that have a significant impact on economic growth under conditions of low fertility and an aging population. Specifically, these include the microstructure of innovation, the impact of technological advances on capital investment, the land system and agricultural productivity, labor mobilization, and the determinants of the labor force participation rates of women. We will also undertake basic research relating to measurement derived from the aforementioned themes (including the reexamination of the operating ratio index and the services deflator). Through the aforementioned studies, the objective of our research project is to gain new knowledge and draw policy implications in order to develop a strategy for future growth.
Until December 31, 2009
Major Research Results
Major Research Results
RIETI Policy Discussion Papers
RIETI Discussion Papers
"Stock ownership and corporate performance in Japan: Corporate governance by institutional investors" (SHINADA Naoki)
"Pension Benefit and Hours Worked" (MIYAZAWA Kensuke)
"Agglomeration or Selection? The Case of the Japanese Silk-reeling Industry, 1909-1916" (ARIMOTO Yutaka, NAKAJIMA Kentaro and OKAZAKI Tetsuji)
"Knowledge Spillover on Complex Networks" (KONNO Tomohiko)
"A Stochastic Model of Labor Productivity and Employment" (FUJIWARA Yoshi and AOYAMA Hideaki)
"Wages and Productivity in Firms using Foreign Trainees" (HASHIMOTO Yuki)
"Simulation Analysis of Community Farming: Is there any room for growth in Japanese rice farming?" (SAITO Keiji, OHASHI Hiroshi and NISHIMURA Kiyohiko)
"Product Innovation and Economic Growth" (YOSHIKAWA Hiroshi , ANDO Koichi and MIYAKAWA Shuko)
"Demand Driven Innovation and Uncertainty: Evidence from diffusion of flat panel TV" (UNAYAMA Takashi and KEIDA Masayuki )
"Marriage Rate and Female Labor Participation Rate: Evidence from Japanese prefectural cross-section" (UNAYAMA Takashi)
"Discrepancy between Saving Rates in SNA and Family Income and Expenditure Survey and Its Implications" (UNAYAMA Takashi)
"A Study about the Job Training Expenditure of Japanese Firms in the 1990s" (SUGA Yutaka)
"Changes of Industrial Structure and Post-war Economic Growth in Japan" (YOSHIKAWA Hiroshi and MIYAGAWA Shuko)
CARF-RIETI Policy Symposium
July 03, 2009
"Financial Crisis and the Future of the Japanese Economy"
RIETI Discussion Papers
- 08-E-035
"Productivity Dispersion: Facts, Theory, and Implications" (AOYAMA Hideaki, YOSHIKAWA Hiroshi, IYETOMI Hiroshi and FUJIWARA Yoshi)
"Corporate Investment and Uncertainty: An empirical analysis" (SHINADA Naoki)
"Industrial Development, Firm Dynamics and Patterns of Productivity Growth: The Case of the Cotton-spinning Industry in Prewar Japan, 1894-1924" (OKAZAKI Tetsuji)
"The Impact of Expectations of the Transfer of Agricultural Land to Other Uses on the Management Scale and Productivity of Rice Cultivation" (SAITO Keiji and OHASHI Hiroshi)
"The Decline in Capital Utilization and TFP in the 1990s" (MIYAZAWA Kensuke)
"The Impact of Deregulation in the Retail Sector: Implications for the aging society" (UNAYAMA Takashi and KEIDA Masayuki)
"Why the Female Labor Force Participation Rate in Metropolitan Areas is Low: A reexamination of the current situation and of the issues" (HASHIMOTO Yuki and MIYAGAWA Shuko)