RIETI Report September 20, 2024

The Russian sanctions and dollar foreign exchange reserves

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This bi-weekly newsletter will keep you updated with the recent columns, event information and research results by RIETI fellows and other leading economists in Japan and around the world.

In this edition, we are featuring topics related to economic sanctions and the power of currency. With the freezing of Russia’s foreign exchange reserves, the positioning of the US dollar has come under scrutiny. In their column, RIETI Non-Resident Fellow Dr. Hiroyuki Ito and his co-authors investigate whether the recent events have shifted the balance of currency power, finding that the US dollar’s dominance largely remains intact.

We hope you will enjoy it. If you have any feedback, we would love to hear from you (news-info@rieti.go.jp).
Editors of RIETI Report (Facebook: @en.RIETI / X: @RIETIenglish / URL: https://www.rieti.go.jp/en/)

This month's featured article

The Russian sanctions and dollar foreign exchange reserves

Robert N MCCAULEYNonresident senior fellow, Global Development Policy Center at Boston University, Associate Member, Faculty of History at University Of Oxford

Menzie David CHINNProfessor, the University of Wisconsin

ITO HiroyukiNon-Resident Fellow, RIETI

Will the freezing of the Bank of Russia’s foreign exchange reserves undermine the dollar’s predominant role in official foreign exchange reserves? This column examines the aggregate evidence since end-2021 for any reduction in the dollar share of official foreign exchange reserves against a baseline constructed with data from 1999 through 2021. The observed dollar share in March 2024 differs little from the out-of-sample projection based on this baseline. On this showing, official reserve managers have not reduced the role of the dollar since the freeze of the Bank of Russia’s assets.

The effective freezing of nearly one-half of the Bank of Russia’s foreign reserves by a broad array of advanced economy governments in February 2022 led to a debate over whether this move would lead to a decline in the role of the dollar in official foreign exchange (FX) reserves. Previous freezes on the central banks of Libya, Iran, Venezuela and Afghanistan did not target hundreds of billions of dollars or such a large country. In this column, we review the aggregate evidence for diversification out of the dollar by official reserve managers since end-2021.

To read the full text:

Related papers

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“Drivers of Post-pandemic Currency Movement: Recurring impacts of sovereign risks and oil prices”
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Related events

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“An Overview of Economic Security (4): Economic Statecraft for Economic Security”
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Our latest discussion papers

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