Research Programs: Macroeconomy and Low Birthrate/Aging Population

Exchange Rates and the Japanese Economy

Project Leader/Sub-Leader

SHIMIZU Junko (Faculty Fellow)



With rising global inflation and geopolitical risks in the post-COVID19 era, and fears of a decline in Japan’s economic presence due to soaring resource prices and the depreciation of the yen in real terms, the yen’s exchange rate fluctuations can have a greater impact than ever on domestic inflation, the balance of payments, firms’ overseas business expansion, and inward foreign direct investment in Japan. Taking advantage of the project members' expertise in international finance, this project has established four themes: “Analysis of Exchange Rates and Monetary Systems,” “Analysis of Settlement Currency and Exchange Rate Pass-through,” “Macro Analysis of Current Account Balance, Financial Balance, and Trade Structure,” and “Exchange Rates and Overseas Business Activities of Japanese Companies.” This project aims to derive multifaceted policy implications for economic and industrial policy.

November 1, 2024 - April 30, 2027

(During the research project period, the research activity period is set from November 1, 2024, to October 31, 2026, and the data usage reporting period is set from November 1, 2026 to April 30, 2027.)