In the age of AI, where new technologies such as ICT and AI and the data economy are rapidly advancing, we should aim for a drastic digital transformation of the Japanese economy in order to overcome the current COVID-19 crisis. With these issues in mind, we have to set a goal of "work style reform x utilization of new technology", redesign new work styles (including gig economies), employment systems, and labor markets that are not bound by preconceived ideas, and carry out research and recommendations for that purpose. In particular, we will focus on the utilization, dissemination, and challenges of new technologies (digitalization, telework, web meetings, etc.) that are rapidly advancing in the COVID-19 crisis.
In addition, in order to adapt to these major changes in the environment, it is important to identify the kinds of human capital, in particular abilities and skills that are required in the AI era. For that purpose, how various abilities and skills, including cognitive/non-cognitive abilities and skills, are affected by efforts and experiences of all generations including pre-employment education and post-employment training, and life outcomes (educational background, occupational performance, health status, etc.) are comprehensively analyzed and necessary education and training reforms are proposed.
November 7, 2022 - April 30, 2025
(During the research project period, the research activity period is set from November 7, 2022 to October 31, 2024, and the data usage reporting period is set from November 1, 2024 to April 30, 2025.)
Major Research Results
RIETI Discussion Papers
- 24-J-026
"The Impact of Second Job Experience on Main Job Performance: An analysis focusing on task distance using the Japanese O-NET -" (KAWAKAMI Atsushi, TSURU Kotaro and KUME Koichi) - 24-J-024
"An Empirical Analysis of the Determinants of Civic Virtue: Income level in adulthood vs. sociality acquisition in childhood" (KUME Koichi, TSURU Kotaro, SANO Shinpei and YASUI Kengo) - 24-J-023
"An Empirical Analysis of the Relationship between Independent Self-employed Worker Status and Worker Performance" (KUME Koichi, TSURU Kotaro and KAWAKAMI Atsushi) - 24-J-022
"Empirical Analysis of the Gender Gap in Mathematics Proficiency and College Enrollment in Science and Engineering" (SANO Shinpei, YASUI Kengo, TSURU Kotaro and KUME Koichi)
RIETI Discussion Papers
- 23-J-045
"Characteristics of Multiple Job Holdings Triggered by COVID-19 and Their Impact on Well-being" (KAWAKAMI Atsushi, TSURU Kotaro and KUME Koichi) - 23-J-044
"How Does Working from Home Change Individual Productivity?" (KUME Koichi, TSURU Kotaro and KAWAKAMI Atsushi) - 23-J-043
"Do Non-cognitive Skills Improve in Adulthood? An empirical analysis of the relationship between age and non-cognitive skills" (KUME Koichi, TSURU Kotaro, SANO Shinpei and YASUI Kengo) - 23-J-042
"Educational and Labor Market Outcomes of Single-sex High School Graduates" (YASUI Kengo, SANO Shinpei, KUME Koichi and TSURU Kotaro)