Research Programs: Special Projects

Basic Research on the Resilient Economy

Project Leader/Sub-Leader

FUJII Satoshi

FUJII Satoshi (Fellow)



The global financial crisis in 2008 and the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011 brought serious human and economic damages to Japan. The lesson learned is that resilience against various serious crises to the national societal-economic structure is an urgent issue. Our research project pursues economic policies to promote the resilience of the national societal-economic system - the ability to cope with an external shock and to reduce its propagation. We expect that resilience-oriented policies will play important roles such as the complement of economic growth, ex-ante measures to the possible future crisis, and a positive story in case prompt public support is needed. In this research project, we discuss economic resilience theoretically and empirically to find new economic and industrial policies for building a resilient economy.

September 18, 2012 - March 31, 2014

Major Research Results


RIETI Discussion Papers

RIETI Policy Discussion Papers