The industrial policies that the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) implemented after World War II are attracting the keen interest of policy makers in developing countries, who are making efforts to promote industries in their own countries. However, economists and economic historians are sharply divided on the evaluation of the effects of the Japanese industrial policy. The basic reason for the mixed evaluation is that we still do not have a sufficient accumulation of research that analyzes the positive and negative effects of the industrial policy, based on micro-data as well as appropriate economic and econometric frameworks. In this project, we aim at evaluating the Japanese industrial policy quantitatively, through collecting and analyzing original documents and detailed micro-data, and thereby providing a solid basis for policy discussion.
January 6, 2014 - December 31, 2015
Major Research Results
RIETI Discussion Papers
RIETI Discussion Papers
- 16-E-002
"Multi-plant Operation and Corporate Headquarters Separation: Evidence from Japanese plant-level panel data" (OKUBO Toshihiro and TOMIURA Eiichi) - 16-E-001
"Intra-Firm Linkages in Multi-Segment Firms: Evidence from the Japanese manufacturing sector" (OKUBO Toshihiro and Kirill BORUSYAK) - 15-J-064
"Update of Industrial Equipment and its Productivity Implication in Japan in the 1950s: 'Industrial Rationalization' in the iron and steel industry" (OKAZAKI Tetsuji and KORENAGA Takafumi) - 15-J-063
"Industrial Policy for Industrial Clustering: Evaluation of the 'Industrial Cluster Policy' in Japan in the 2000s" (OKUBO Toshihiro and OKAZAKI Tetsuji)