The Japanese economy has been experiencing such structural changes as societal aging, industrial transition, and deepening of globalization. On the other hand, although the causation with such structural changes is not very clear, deflation has been persistent and monetary policy has been restricted by the zero lower bound on nominal interest rates. Given a very large debt-to-GDP ratio, room for further fiscal easing also has decreased. Consequently, to stimulate the economy over the business cycle, the economy needs to rely on the commitment to future accommodative monetary policy.
In this project, we first clarify the implications that such structural changes as societal aging have on the Japanese economy and monetary as well as fiscal policies. Then, we seek how monetary and fiscal policy should be designed in facing such structural changes.
May 27, 2014 - March 31, 2016
Major Research Results
RIETI Discussion Papers
RIETI Discussion Papers
- 16-E-027
"Private News and Monetary Policy: Forward guidance or the expected virtue of ignorance" (FUJIWARA Ippei and WAKI Yuichiro) - 16-E-013
"Policy Uncertainty and the Cost of Delaying Reform: A case of aging Japan" (KITAO Sagiri) - 15-E-140
"Declining Trends in the Real Interest Rate and Inflation: Role of aging" (FUJITA Shigeru and FUJIWARA Ippei) - 15-E-129
"Can Guest Workers Solve Japan's Fiscal Problems?" (Selahattin IMROHOROGLU, KITAO Sagiri and YAMADA Tomoaki)