We will evaluate the importance of mental health from the perspective of human capital and how it can be addressed effectively in order to enhance the quality of human capital. We will also examine the possibility that mental states such as depression and anxiety may negatively influence economic growth from the demand side through a lack of consumer confidence and "animal spirits."
July 23, 2012 - September 30, 2013
Major Research Results
RIETI Discussion Papers
RIETI Discussion Papers
"Systemic Review of Clinical- and Cost-effectiveness of Computerized Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CCBT) for Adult Depression" (SO Mirai)
"The Relationship between Depression and Other Variables Including Income and Bank Deposits: A study using the Japanese Study of Aging and Retirement (JSTAR)" (SEKIZAWA Yoichi, YOSHITAKE Naomi and GOTO Yasuo)
"The Utility of Expressive Writing as Self-Help to Reduce Psychosocial Stress" (OMORI Mika)
"Examination of the Relationship between Psychological Traits and the Consumer Confidence Index" (SEKIZAWA Yoichi, YOSHITAKE Naomi and GOTO Yasuo)
"Does Writing Three Good Things Make Japanese People Happier?" (SEKIZAWA Yoichi and YOSHITAKE Naomi)