Research Programs: New Industrial Policy

Globalization, Innovation, and Competition Policy

Project Leader/Sub-Leader


KAWAHAMA Noboru (Faculty Fellow)


OHASHI Hiroshi

OHASHI Hiroshi (Program Director, Faculty Fellow)



There has been a sharp rise in interest in competition policy based on anti-monopoly laws in ASEAN countries and elsewhere. Faced with an ever-changing market environment characterized by economic globalization, countries throughout the world are being forced to change their views on competition policies and the enforcement of such policies. On the other hand, in Japan, the role of competition policy appears to be increasingly greater since the further promotion of innovation through the full utilization of market competition is indispensable for maintaining economic vitality in the wake of the East Japan Great Earthquake. This project will examine the way competition policy ought to be in an environment where globalization and innovation play an increasingly important role via a comprehensive recourse to findings in jurisprudence, economics, and government administration, while taking into account relevant developments in other countries.

July 19, 2011 - June 30, 2013

Major Research Results


RIETI Discussion Papers


RIETI Discussion Papers