This research project assesses the economic impact of the earthquake and following tsunami that struck the northeastern area of Japan on March 11, 2011. We estimate not only direct damage to fixed capital but also indirect damage to production in the overall Japanese economy due to the supply chain bottleneck caused by the disaster. In addition to these short-term effects, we predict long-term growth effects depending on various scenarios envisioned for the reconstruction process in the disaster-affected area. To pursue this research project we use both regional-industrial level data and firm/enterprise level data. As a by-product of the research, we construct a database based on the Japan Regional Industrial Production Database.
April 19, 2011 - March 31, 2013
Major Research Results
RIETI Discussion Papers
"Reexamination of the Productivity of Public Capital" (MIYAGAWA Tsutomu, KAWASAKI Kazuyasu and EDAMURA Kazuma)
"How did the Cross-Prefectural Difference of Human Capital Change in Japan?" (TOKUI Joji, MAKINO Tatsuji, KODAMA Naomi and FUKAO Kyoji)
"Compilation of the Regional-Level Japan Industrial Productivity Database (R-JIP)" (TOKUI Joji, MAKINO Tatsuji, FUKAO Kyoji, MIYAGAWA Tsutomu, ARAI Nobuyuki, ARAI Sonoe, INUI Tomohiko, KAWASAKI Kazuyasu, KODAMA Naomi and NOGUCHI Naohiro)
"Productivity Dynamics and R&D Spillovers in the Japanese Manufacturing Industry: An empirical analysis based on micro-level data" (IKEUCHI Kenta, YoungGak KIM, KWON Hyeog Ug and FUKAO Kyoji)