In the economic globalization trend, international, inter-industry transactions as well as intra-country, inter-regional transactions and resulting location behaviors are gradually having important meanings for regional economies. Individual regional economies have their own roles according to their economic size and locational properties. We investigate the successful inter-industrial relationships within a region to attain sustainable regional economies by applying the urban hierarchical model.
Based on regional properties, we conduct input-output/social accounting matrix (IO/SAM) analysis, computable general equilibrium (CGE) modeling, new economic geography (NEG) approach, and multiple equilibrium approach with trying new developments in methodology. Finally, we look for regional policies using several simulations of changing regional economic structures.
July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2015
Major Research Results
RIETI Discussion Papers
"Synergy Effect of Combining Agriculture with Processing and Distributing Industries in the Okinawan Regional Economy: A new approach with the endogenous consumption IO model" (AKUNE Yuko, ISHIKAWA Yoshifumi and NAKAMURA Ryohei)
"An NEG approach to verifying the Straw Effect: Evidence from the Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge in Japan" (IHARA Ryusuke, NAKAMURA Ryohei and MORITA Manabu)
"An Impact Analysis of Fiscal Measures to Promote Self-Sustained Economic Development in Okinawa using a Multi-regional CGE Model" (OKIYAMA Mitsuru, IKEGAWA Maria and TOKUNAGA Suminori)
"Gateway to Asia: Potentiality of Naha Airport's cargo hub" (ITO Tadashi, IWAHASHI Roki, ISHIKAWA Yoshifumi and NAKAMURA Ryohei)