Research Programs: International Trade and Investment

A Study on Trade/FDI and the Environment/Energy

Project Leader/Sub-Leader


JINJI Naoto (Faculty Fellow)



This project mainly conducts empirical analyses on the relationship between international trade/ foreign direct investment (FDI) and the environment/energy at the firm-level and product-level. It is motivated by the fact that Japanese firms have a competitive advantage in energy-saving technologies and eco-products, whereas constraints from domestic energy supply and environmental regulations could affect their location choice and globalization strategy. The main issues in this project include: (1) globalization of firms and their energy efficiency/emissions, (2) the environmental impact of Japanese FDI and the environmental spillovers to local firms in the host countries, (3) international comparison of the environmental and energy consciousness of consumers and the analysis of standards and labeling, (4) the environmental effects of durable goods with addressing the issue of trade in second-hand goods.

October 7, 2013 - September 30, 2015

Major Research Results


RIETI Discussion Papers