January 30, 2006 Asahi Shimbun
Different Viewpoints on the Livedoor Incident
October 18, 2005 Nihon Keizai Shimbun
Global Imbalances Poised to Further Expand on Japan's Capital Import
Developed countries are becoming capital importers as their saving ratios fall sharply -
September 12, 2005 FujiSankei Business i
Prevention of Hostile Takeovers in Japan: U.K. City Code Shows the Direction
September 20, 2005 Keizaikai
The Mistakes in Agricultural Policy that Have Hindered Structural Reforms and the Merits and Demerits of JA Agricultural Cooperatives
September 2005 Keizai Seminar (Economic Seminar)
How to Cope with the Threat of Hostile Takeovers: Japanese Corporate Governance at a Crossroads
July 29, 2005 Nihon Keizai Shimbun
Chinese Currency Reform and East Asia: Steps Toward Regional Exchange Rate Stability
July 25, 2005 Asahi Shimbun
Who is Responsible for the Damage Caused by Asbestos?
June 15, 2005 The Shukan Norin
The Economics of Research and Development in Agricultural Technology
June 20, 2005 Nouvelle Epoque
Maximization of Corporate Value is the Best Defense Against Hostile Takeovers
May-June 2005 JPN Management
April 25, 2005 Asahi Shimbun
To Whom Does a Company Belong?