International economic law, trade policy
Research Projects
- Comprehensive Research on the Current International Trade/Investment System (pt.VI) (August 1, 2022 - January 31, 2025)
- Comprehensive Research on the Current International Trade/Investment System (pt.V) (May 1, 2020 - April 30, 2022)
- Comprehensive Research on the Current International Trade/Investment System (pt. IV) (December 18, 2017 - November 30, 2019)
- Comprehensive Research on the Current International Trade/Investment System (pt.III) (October 1, 2015 - September 30, 2017)
- Comprehensive Research on the Current International Trade/Investment System (pt.II) (October 7, 2013 - September 30, 2015)
- Comprehensive Research on the Current International Trade System (July 1, 2011 - June 30, 2013)
- Comprehensive Research on International Trade System (Formerly known as "Comprehensive Research on WTO Subsidy Rulings") (January 22, 2008 - June 30, 2011)
- Legal Approach to Regional Economic Integration (Until December 31, 2007)
1994 LL.M., Georgetown University Law Center
1992 M. Jur., Graduate School of Law, Keio University
1990 B. Jur., Faculty of Law, Keio University
2007- Professor, Faculty of Law, Sophia University
2004-2007 Associate Professor of Law, Graduate School of Law and Politics, Osaka University
2004- Faculty Fellow, RIETI
2003 Fellow, RIETI
2001 Deputy Director, Multilateral Trade System Department, Trade Policy Bureau, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
1999-2001 Visiting Scholar, Georgetown University Law Center
Fellow, Institute of International Economic Law, Georgetown University Law Cente
1999 Associate Professor, KUC
1996 Assistant Professor, KUC
1994 Lecturer, School of Business and Economics, Kobe University of Commerce (KUC)
Selected Publications and Papers
Safeguards under the WTO Agreement: Issues and Proposals for a More Effective Mechanism (Toyo Keizai 2004, co-authored with Ichiro Araki)
American Society of International Law