International Business, Business Organization, Innovation, Business Alliances, Global R&D Management
Research Projects
- Regional Innovation and Corporate Management in East Asia (Until June 30, 2007)
- Organizational and Strategic Challenges for R&D Internationalization of Japanese Firms: A managerial approach (March 31, 2008 - December 31, 2009)
1996 Ph.D., Management, INSEAD
1993 M.Sc., Management, INSEAD
1991 M.B.A., Harvard University
1985 B.A., Political Economy/International Relations, Waseda University
2004-present Professor, Graduate School of Business Administration, Keio University
2004-2005 Visiting Scholar, Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
1999-2001 Visiting Associate Professor, McGill Japan MBA Program, McGill University
1997-2004 Associate Professor, Graduate School of Business Administration, Keio University
1995-97 Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Business Administration, Keio University
1985-89 The Industrial Bank of Japan, Ltd.
Selected Publications and Papers
Academic Journals (U.S. and European):
Lehrer, M. and K. Asakawa (2004) "Pushing scientists into the market place: Promoting science entrepreneurship" California Management Review 46(3): 55-76.
Lehrer, M. and K. Asakawa (2004) "Rethinking the public sector: idiosyncrasies of biotechnology commercialization as motors of national R&D reform in Germany and Japan" Research Policy. 33: 921-938.
Asakawa, K. (2004) "Co-evolution of national innovation system and organizational system: A situation of biotechnology sector in Japan" Journal of Asian Business 19(3).
Lehrer, M. and K. Asakawa (2003) "Managing intersecting R&D social communities: A comparative study of European knowledge incubators in Japanese and American firms" Organization Studies Vol.24. No.5:771-792.
Asakawa, K. and M. Lehrer (2003) "Managing local knowledge assets globally: The role of regional innovation relays" Journal of World Business Vol.38 No.1: 31-42.
Lehrer, M. and K. Asakawa (2002) "Offshore knowledge incubation: The third path for embedding R&D labs in foreign systems of innovation" Journal of World Business Vol.37 No.4 : 297-306.
Korine, H., K. Asakawa, and P-Y. Gomez (2002) "Partnering with the unfamiliar: Lessons from the case of Renault and Nissan" Business Strategy Review Vol.13, Issue 2: 41-50.
Asakawa, K. (2002) "La transformation de Nissan: ou comment un nouvel actionnaire réussit à faire sortir l'entreprise de l'impasse"Management et Conjoncture Sociale, Printemps 2002, No.614: 22-25. France.
Asakawa, K. (2001) "Organizational tension in international R&D management: the case of Japanese firms," Research Policy, Vol. 30 No.5. 735-757. Elsevier Science.
Asakawa, K. (2001) "Evolving headquarters-subsidiary dynamics in international R&D: the case of Japanese multinationals" R&D Management, Vol.31 No.1. 1-14. Blackwell Publishers.
Lehrer, M. and K. Asakawa (1999) "Unbundling European operations: Regional management of American and Japanese MNCs." Journal of World Business. Vol.34.No.3. 267-286. New York, NY.
Asakawa, K. (1996) "External-internal linkages and overseas autonomy-control tension: The management dilemma of the Japanese R&D in Europe." IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. Vol.43. No.1. February. 24-32. The IEEE Engineering Management Society: New York.
Schneider, S. and K. Asakawa (1995) "American and Japanese expatriate adjustment: A psychoanalytic perspective." Human Relations. Vol.48, No.10. 1109-1127. Plenum Press: New York, London.
Research Volume:
Asakawa, K. (2003) "Differentiation, integration, and organizational tension: some evidence from R&D internationalization by Japanese firms." In: (eds.) Serapio, M. and T. Hayashi, Research in International Business and International Relations: Internationalization of Research and Development and the Emergence of Global R&D Networks. Vol. 8. JAI Press/ Elsevier Science. USA/ UK.
Academic Journals (Japanese)
Asakawa, K. (2006) "Metanational management: Future research directions," (in Japanese) Organizational Science (Soshiki Kagaku) 40(1).
Asakawa, K. and H. Nakamura (2005) "Translational research and macro-micro transformation of R&D system in Japan," (in Japanese) Journal of Healthcare and Society (Iryo to Shakai).
Asakawa, K. and H. Nakamura (2005) "External and internal collaboration as determinant of scientist-level performance in R&D," (in Japanese) Japanese Journal of Management Behavioral Science (Keiei Kodo Kagaku).
Asakawa, K. and H. Nakamura (2005) "External collaboration and its impact on R&D performance" (in Japanese) Journal of Healthcare Economy Studies (Iryo Keizai Kenkyu), 16: 23-36.
Nakamura, H. and K. Asakawa (2004) "Overcoming external environmental disadvantages by Japan's biotech firms" (in Japanese) Japan Venture Review No.5, November: 43-52.
Nakamura, H. and K. Asakawa (2004) "Effective utilization of external knowledge and optimal level of external dependence in corporate R&D activities: Analysis in pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries. (in Japanese). Organizational Science (Soshiki Kagaku) 37(3): 53-66.
Asakawa, K. (2002) "Global R&D senryaku to knowledge management" (Global R&D strategy and knowledge management, in Japanese language). Organizational Science (Soshiki Kagaku) Vol.36 No.1.:51-67.
Asakawa, K. and N. Sumikura (2002) "An empirical analysis of parenting advantage in Japanese electronics firms:Goold, Campbell & Alexander (1994) revisited" Keio Business Forum. Vol.19.No.2. 35-46. Keio University Press, Tokyo.
Nobayashi, H. and K. Asakawa (2001) "Five methods of intra-firm diffusion of corporate mission" (in Japanese), Keio Business Forum. Vol.18.No.1. 37-55. Keio University Press, Tokyo.
Asakawa, K. (1999) "Chiteki Shigen Ryudoka no Shogai Yoin to Ketsugo Mekanizumu (in Japanese language)", (Integrating mechanisms to overcome stickiness of intellectual resource)." Keio Business Forum. Vol.17 No.1: 203-219. Keio University Press, Tokyo.
Asakawa, K. (1999) "Sekai Hyojun Practice no Shanai Fukyukatei ni Okeru Shogai Yoin: Nichiou Seiyakukigyouno Baai (in Japanese language)," (Sources of impediments to the diffusion of global standard practices within the firms: The cases of Japanese and European pharmaceutical firms), Journal of Health Care and Society.Vol.9,No.2. (iryou-to-shakai) The Health Care Science Institute, Tokyo, Japan.
Asakawa, K. (1997) "A framework for international knowledge management." Keio Business Forum. Vol. 14.1. January. 235-255. Keio University Press: Tokyo.
Asakawa, K. (2003) Introduction to Global Management, Nikkei Press, Tokyo, Japan (in Japanese)
Book Chapters:
Asakawa, K. (2006) "Organization-institutional coevolution in Japan’s biotechnology sector" in Okada, Y. (ed.) Struggles for Survival, Springer Verlag.
Korine, H., K. Asakawa and P-Y. Gomez (forthcoming) "The importance of the agreement formation process in partnering with the unfamiliar" in Stahl, G. and M.E. Mendenhall (Eds.) Mergers and Acquisitions: Managing Culture and Human Resources, Chapter 17. Palo Alto: Stanford University Press.
Asakawa, K. and T. Katoh (2003) "Pitfalls of practice transfer across borders: Unwanted transfer as a neglected issue in multinational management" Savoir Gérer, University of Paris Press.
Asakawa, K. (2000) "Evolving international R&D linkages in the Japanese MNCs." In: (eds.) Lau, C-M.,, Asian Management Matters: Regional Relevance and Global Impact. Imperial College Press, London, U.K.
Asakawa, K. (1995) "International know-how transfer as challenge in global R&D management." The Management Strategy of Global Corporation. IIES Seminar Series 9511, 34-58. Institute for International Economic Studies.
Papers Presented at Academic Conferences:
"Exploring the mode of knowledge transfer in MNCs: The role of direct and indirect linkages" (co-authored with M. Hamilton), Academy of Management Annual Meetings, Hawaii, USA. August, 2005.
"Importance of the agreement formation process in partnering with the unfamiliar: Renault and Nissan" (co-authored with H. Korine and P.Y. Gomez), Academy of Management Annual Meetings, Hawaii, USA. August, 2005.
"The Importance of the Agreement Formation Process in Partnering with the Unfamiliar" in Stahl, G. and M.E. Mendenhall (Eds.) Mergers and Acquisitions: Managing Culture and Human Resources, Palo Alto: Stanford University Press (with Korine, H., K. and P-Y. Gomez), 2005.
"Evolutionary perspectives on the internationalization of R&D in Japanese multinational corporations" (co-authored with D.E. Westney), Academy of Japanese Business Studies, Quebec, Canada, July, 2005.
"Placing big bets: Exit as a mechanism for national R&D reform in the transnational economy" (co-authored with M. Lehrer), Academy of International Business Annual Meetings, Quebec, Canada, July, 2005.
"Sourcing knowledge through overseas R&D laboratories" Strategic Management Society, San Juan, Puerto Rico, November, 2004.
"On condition of knowledge sourcing through overseas R&D labs" Japan Academy of International Business Studies, April, 2004.
"Sourcing and leveraging external knowledge through overseas R&D laboratories: Some evidence from Japanese firms" Research Workshop on Global Knowledge and Innovation, Center for Knowledge and Innovation Research (CKIR), Helsinki School of Economics, Helsinki, Finland, August 20-23, 2003.
"Managing transition in Japan's biotechnology sector: The institutional-organizational coevolution" Academy of Management Annual Meetings, Seattle, WA., August 1-6, 2003.
"Scientists and industrial policy: Science entrepreneurship in German and Japanese biotechnology" (co-authored with M. Lehrer). Academy of Management Annual Meetings, Seattle, WA., August 1-6, 2003.
"Managing institutional reform in biotechnology industry: The role of public sector in Germany and Japan" (co-authored with M. Lehrer). Academy of International Business Annual Meetings, Monterrey, CA. July 5-8, 2003.
"Co-evolution of national innovation system and organizational system: A situation of biotechnology sector in Japan" Academy of International Business Annual Meetings, Monterrey, CA. July 5-8, 2003.
"The R&D Internationalization as metanational strategy" The Global Innovation Research Forum, INSEAD Research Workshop, October 2002, INSEAD, Fontainebleau, France.
"The alliance formation process and its impact on corporate renewal: Lessons from the Renault=Nissan strategic alliance" (co-authored with H. Korine and P.Y. Gomez). The Symposium on Corporate Strategic Alliances, organized by Asian Productivity Organization, October 2002, Daegu, Korea.
"Exploring the mode of cross-border knowledge mobilization by multinational corporation: An eclectic approach" Strategic Management Society Annual Meetings, September 22-25, 2002, Paris, France.
"Opportunity perception at intermediate geographic levels of MNC: Beyond the local-global dichotomy" (co-authored with M. Lehrer) Academy of Management Annual Meetings, August 2002, Denver, USA
"Co-evolution of national innovation system and business strategy: The case of biotechnology industry in Japan". The 14th Annual Meetings of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE), University of Minnesota, June 27-30.
"Pitfalls when transferring practice within a multinational firm: Unwanted transfer as a neglected issue" (co-authored with T. Kato). Academy of International Business Annual Meetings, November 16-19, 2001. Sydney, Australia.
"Partnering with the unfamiliar: Lessons from the case of Renault and Nissan" (co-authored with H. Korine). Strategic Management Society Annual Meetings, October 21-24, 2001, San Francisco, USA.
"Managing local knowledge assets globally: Regional offices as innovation relays" (co-authored with M. Lehrer) Academy of Management Annual Meetings, August 2001, Washington, D.C. USA.
"Internationalization of R&D as differentiated process of social capital formation: some evidence from the Japanese firms" Academy of International Business Annual Meetings, November 17-20, 2000, Phoenix, AZ. USA.
"Linking local knowledge to global operations: the role of regional offices of MNCs" (co-authored with M. Lehrer) Academy of International Business Annual Meetings, November 17-20, 2000, Phoenix, AZ. USA.
"Knowledge transfer versus knowledge incubation: heterogeneous knowledge management challenges of American and Japanese MNCs in Europe" (co-authored with M. Lehrer) Academy of International Business Annual Meetings, November 17-20, 2000, Phoenix, AZ. USA.
"Social capital, structural holes, and the formation of international R&D linkages: some evidence from the Japanese firms" Academy of Management Annual Meetings (Shared interest track - BPS/OMT divisions), August 4-9, 2000, Toronto. Canada.
"R&D internationalization, structural shift, and organizational tension: evidence from the perception gap analysis of the Japanese multinationals" Academy of Management Annual Meetings (international management division), August 4-9, 2000, Toronto. Canada.
"Differentiation, integration, and organizational tension: some evidence from R&D internationalization by Japanese firms." Western Academy of Management (WAM) Annaul Meetings, July 9-12, 2000, Shizuoka, Japan.
"Strategic renewal of Japanese business system facing the environmental turbulence" (co-authored with M. Aoi), The 13th Annual Conference, Association of Japanese Business Studies (AJBS), June 9-11, 2000, Oiso, Japan.
"Renewing Japan's global innovation system through international R&D" The 13th Annual Conference, Association of Japanese Business Studies (AJBS), June 9-11, 2000, Oiso, Japan.
"Transformation of international R&D linkages and dynamism of MNCs" (in Japanese) Soshiki-Gakkai Annual Meeting (Japanese Association of Organizational Studies), June 3, 2000, Shiga, Japan.
"International R&D linkages for mobilizing knowledge: The case of Japanese MNCs." Academy of International Business Annual Meetings, November, 1999, Charleston, SC. USA.
"De-institutionalization of Japanese management system facing the economic crisis: Beyond isomorphism toward strategic differentiation." Academy of International Business Annual Meetings, November, 1999, Charleston, SC. USA.
"Strategic integration, corporate involvement and performance: Empirical investigation of Japanese electronics firms." (co-authored with N. Sumikura). Strategic Management Society Annual Meetings, October, 1999, Berlin, Germany.
"Barriers to diffusion of new practices across borders: An empirical study of Japanese and European pharmaceutical firms." Academy of Management Annual Meetings, August, 1999. Chicago, IL, (jointly hosted by Business Policy and Strategy Division and International Management Division). USA.
"Internationalization of R&D as social capital formation." The Inaugural Conference of the Asia Academy of Management. December, 1998. Hong Kong.
"Process and barriers in knowledge mobilization: An observation from international R&D by Japanese firms." Strategic Management Society Annual Meetings. November, 1998. Orlando, FL. USA.
"Evolving linkages in internationalizing R&D: The case of Japanese MNCs." The Academy of International Business Annual Meetings, October, 1998. Vienna, Austria.
"Knowledge mobilization within complex organization: Diverse knowledge, administrative barriers, and integrating mechanisms." (Co-authored with Tomo Noda). The Academy of Management Annual Meetings, August, 1998. San Diego, CA. (Business Policy and Strategy Division). USA.
"Managing the multibusiness firm: An organizing framework." (Co-authored with Tomo Noda). The Academy of Management Annual Meetings, August, 1998. San Diego, CA. (Business Policy and Strategy Division). USA.
"The headquarters-subsidiary perception gap under clan failure in Japanese R&D internationalization." The 7th International Forum on Technology Management, JUPITOR, November 3-7, 1997 in Kyoto, Japan.
"Exploring strategic linkages in complex organizations; Implications for multibusiness management." (Co-authored with Tomo Noda). The 17th Annual International Conference, Strategic Management Society, October 3-6, 1997 in Barcelona, Spain.
"Knowledge linkage in international R&D management: The case of Japanese MNCs." PICMET'97. July 27-31, 1997. Portland, Oregon. USA.
"Strategic linkage mechanisms in globally-dispersed R&D: The case of Japanese MNCs." The 16th Annual International Conference, Strategic Management Society, November 10-13, 1996 in Phenix, Arizona. USA.
"The Multinational tension in R&D internationalization: The headquarters-subsidiary perception gap under clan-failure in the Japanese multinational companies." The 1996 Academy of International Business Annual Meeting, Banff, Alberta, Canada (September 26-29).
"The metanational corporation: Knowledge orchestration in the modern firm." (Co-authored with Yves Doz et al). The 1996 Academy of International Business Annual Meeting, Banff, Alberta, Canada (September 26-29).
"The metanational corporation." (Co-authored with Yves Doz et al). The 16th Annual International Conference, Strategic Management Society, November 10-13, 1996 in Phenix, Arizona. USA.
"Managing knowledge conversion process across borders: Toward a framework of international knowledge management," The Academy of Management Annual Meeting 1995 Vancouver (International management Division). Canada.
"American and Japanese expatriate adjustment: A psychoanalytic perspective." The Academy of Management Annual Meeting 1995 Vancouver (International Management Division). Canada.
"Relations internes/externes et conflit autonomie/contrôle: La R&D des multinationales Japonaises en Europe." 4ème Conférence Internationale de Management Stratégique ESSEC-Dauphine. 2/4 Mai 1995, Université de Paris, Dauphine. France.
"Regional management and regional headquarters: An empirical study of adaptation in American and Japanese MNCs." (co-authored with M. Lehrer). International Management Division, The Academy of Management Annual Meeting, August 16, 1994, Dallas, USA.
"Management dilemmas behind globalizing R&D network: In search of new organizational control mechanism." LBS/INSEAD/Western Research Forum, April 24, 1994, London Business School, London, UK.
Member, Editorial Board, Journal of International Management
Affiliate: Sloan Industry Studies Program
Visiting Faculty, Vienna University of Economics
Member, Editorial Review Board, The Asia Pacific Journal of Management
Advisory Board, Global Strategy Interest Group - Strategic Management Society (SMS)
Board Member, Program Chair Designated - Asia Academy of Management (AAOM)
Board Member - Kokusai Business Kenkyu Gakkai (Japan Academy of International Business)
Senior Editor, Organizational Science (Soshiki Kagaku)