Featured event
RIETI-CEPR Symposium
Future of Global Trade Order and Economic Security
April 16, 2024
Recently, the geopolitical landscape has shifted due to significant global events. COVID-19, the conflict in Ukraine, and rising tensions among major powers such as the U.S. and China, have resulted in changes in the trend of globalization. The global trade order and economic security are becoming increasingly important themes in the international community. Is it possible to restore the trade order in such times? What steps can be taken to mitigate the risks to economic security in the modern global climate? How can we rebuild mutual trust in international trade relations?
To read the full summary:
Opening Remarks
URATA Shujiro (Chairman Emeritus and Distinguished Senior Fellow (specially appointed), RIETI)
Special Remarks
MATSUO Takehiko (Director-General, Trade Policy Bureau, METI)
Session 1: Trade Policy, Industrial Policy and the Economic Security
Jeffrey Joseph SCHOTT (Senior Fellow, Peterson Institute for International Economics (PIIE)) / Simon J. EVENETT (Research Fellow, CEPR / Professor of International Trade and Economic Development, St. Gallen University / Founder of the St. Gallen Endowment for Prosperity Through Trade) / TAMURA Akihiko (Senior Adviser, RIETI) / URATA Shujiro
Session 2: Multilateral Rule-based Liberal Trading Order and Supply Chains
KAWASE Tsuyoshi (Faculty Fellow, RIETI) / INOMATA Satoshi (Chief Senior Researcher, Institute of Developing Economies, JETRO) / Beatrice WEDER di MAURO (President, CEPR / Professor, the Graduate Institute of Geneva) / Simon J. EVENETT
Wrapping up and Final Remarks: Beatrice WEDER di MAURO
Other CEPR-Related Events
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RIETI-CEPR Symposium “Exploring the New Capitalism”
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BBL seminar “Hidden Exposure: Measuring U.S. supply chain reliance”
December 19, 2023
Richard BALDWIN (Professor of International Economics, IMD Business School, Lausanne) / URATA Shujiro (Chairman, RIETI / Professor Emeritus, Waseda University)
Recent Related VoxEU Columns
RIETI is a consortium member of VoxEU.org established by CEPR, to which RIETI fellows have been contributing columns on their respective research themes.
“The impact of exchange rates on Japan’s machinery exports since 1990”
Willem THORBECKE (Senior Fellow, RIETI)
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KOIZUMI Hideto (Fellow (Policy Economist), RIETI)
“Software automation and teleworkers as complements and substitutes”
Richard BALDWIN (Non-Resident Fellow, RIETI)
OKUBO Toshihiro (Faculty Fellow, RIETI)
“Reducing policy uncertainty attracts foreign direct investment in services: The role of regional trade agreements”
INADA Mitsuo (Associate Professor, Faculty of Humanities at Miyazaki Municipal University) / JINJI Naoto (Faculty Fellow, RIETI)
“The impact of export controls on international trade: Evidence from the Japan–Korea trade dispute in the semiconductor industry”
MAKIOKA Ryo (Research Associate, RIETI) / ZHANG Hongyong (Senior Fellow, RIETI)
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