Measuring Science Intensity of Industry using Linked Dataset of Science, Technology and Industry

Author Name IKEUCHI Kenta (Fellow, RIETI) / MOTOHASHI Kazuyuki (Faculty Fellow, RIETI) / TAMURA Ryuichi (Hitotsubashi University) / TSUKADA Naotoshi (Research Associate, RIETI)
Creation Date/NO. March 2017 17-E-056
Research Project Empirical Studies on "Japanese-style" Open Innovation
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This paper presents new indicators measuring the science intensity of industry in Japan, linking a scientific paper database (science), patent information (technology), and economic census data (industry). The new indicators reflect the interaction between science and industry, via academic patenting activities, which cannot be measured by an existing indicator of science linkage: non-patent literature (NPL) citations by patents. As the academic sector gets more involved in patenting activities, its scientific knowledge is being utilized by industries that are not categorized as science-based. Additionally, it was revealed that scientific knowledge has been increasingly used for industrial innovation over the last 10 years across all academic disciplines. Our study reiterates that public support of science is essential for industrial innovation.