Past BBL Reports and Summaries
March 30, 2015
Export of Defense Items, the German Experience (compared with Japan): Controversial issues
- Speaker: Harald HOHMANN (Attorney (Partner), Hohmann Rechtsanwaelte)
- Commentator: WATAI Rikako (Professor, Keio University Law School)
- Moderator: KAZEKI Jun (Director, Security Export Control Policy Division, Trade and Economic Cooperation Bureau, METI)
- Handout [PDF:984KB]
NOT for quotation
March 27, 2015
On the Promotion of Women's Economic Activities: What are the major social obstacles to the elimination of gender wage gap?
- Speaker: YAMAGUCHI Kazuo (Visiting Fellow, RIETI / Ralph Lewis Professor of Sociology, The University of Chicago)
- Moderator: FUKUCHI Mami (Director, Economic and Social Policy Office, Economic and Industrial Policy Bureau, METI)
March 26, 2015
What Sets Apart Invigorated Regions? --Prescription for reviving local communities--
- Speaker: KIMURA Toshiaki (Professor, Department of Business, Economics and Regional Development, Faculty of Bio-Industry, Tokyo University of Agriculture)
- Moderator: WAKAI Eiji (Deputy Director General for Regional Economic and Industrial Policy, Regional Economic and Industrial Policy Group, METI)
March 25, 2015
Asian Economic Outlook and Roles of ADB
- Speaker: NAKAO Takehiko (President and Chairperson, Board of Directors, Asian Development Bank (ADB))
- Moderator: MORIKAWA Masayuki (Vice Chairman & Vice President, RIETI)
NOT for quotation
March 20, 2015
New Challenges for Security Service Industry in Response to the Changes in Japan and Abroad
- Speaker: AOYAMA Yukiyasu (President, SOHGO SECURITY SERVICES CO., LTD.)
- Moderator: UENO Toru (Director of International Coordination and Public Relations & Senior Fellow, RIETI)
March 19, 2015
Chinese Economy under the New Normal
- Speaker: MENG Jianjun (Visiting Fellow, RIETI / Senior Fellow, Center for Industry Development and Environment Governance (CIDEG), Tsinghua University)
- Commentator: C. H. KWAN (Consulting Fellow, RIETI / Senior Fellow, Nomura Institute of Capital Markets Research)
- Moderator: IWANAGA Masashi (Director, Northeast Asia Division, Trade Policy Bureau, METI)
NOT for quotation
March 12, 2015
[Venture Series] Is Genuine Collaboration between Big Companies and Startups Possible? --Challenges of KDDI Mugen Labo--
- Speaker: EBATA Tomohiro (Director, Global Business Development Department, Advanced Business Development Division, KDDI CORPORATION)
- Moderator: TAKATANI Shinya (Deputy Director, Industrial Revitalization Division, Economic and Industrial Policy Bureau, METI)
February 27, 2015
The Rise of Global Jihad: Ideology and movement
- Speaker: IKEUCHI Satoshi (Associate Professor, Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, the University of Tokyo)
- Moderator: OKADA Kohei (Director, Middle East and Africa Division, Trade Policy Bureau, METI)
February 20, 2015
Prospects for the Japanese and the Global Economy --Reviewing challenges for Abenomics--
- Speaker: YUMOTO Kenji (Vice Chairman of the Institute, The Japan Research Institute, Limited)
- Moderator: MATSUNAGA Akira (Consulting Fellow, RIETI / Deputy Director-General, Economic and Industrial Policy Bureau, METI)
February 18, 2015
Europe's Ongoing Crisis: It's not mostly fiscal
- Speaker: Nicolas VERON (Visiting Fellow, Peterson Institute for International Economics / Senior Fellow, Bruegel)
- Moderator: NOBUTANI Kazushige (Director, Europe Division, Trade Policy Bureau, METI)
- Time: 12:15-13:30 (Registration desk and seminar room open at 12:00)
- Handout [PDF:459KB]
February 6, 2015
International Economics of Outsourcing
- Speaker: TOMIURA Eiichi (Faculty Fellow, RIETI / Professor, Department of Economics, Yokohama National University)
- Moderator: MATSUMOTO Kayo (Consulting Fellow, RIETI / Deputy Director, Policy Planning and Research Office, Trade Policy Bureau, METI)
January 28, 2015
The Imperial Hotel's Corporate Philosophy and Hospitality
- Speaker: SADAYASU Hideya (President and General Manager, Imperial Hotel, Ltd.)
- Moderator: UENO Toru (Director of International Coordination and Public Relations & Senior Fellow, RIETI)
January 27, 2015
The Strategic and Economic Implications of the TPP
- Speaker: Claude BARFIELD (Resident Scholar, The American Enterprise Institute)
- Moderator: URATA Shujiro (Faculty Fellow, RIETI / Professor of Economics, Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies, Waseda University)
- Time: 12:15-13:15 (Registration desk and seminar room open at 12:00)
January 23, 2015
Presence of SMEs in the Japanese Economy and SMEs Policies
- Speaker: GOTO Yasuo (Senior Fellow, RIETI / Chief Economist, Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc.)
- Commentator & Moderator: YONEMURA Takeshi (Director for Policy Coordination, Commissioner's Secretariat, The Small and Medium Enterprise Agency)
NOT for quotation
January 8, 2015
IFRS--Better understanding for the basics of IFRS
- Speaker: YAMADA Tatsumi (Partner, KPMG AZSA LLC)
- Moderator: HATTA Shinji (Auditor, RIETI / Professor, Graduate School of Professional Accountancy, Aoyama Gakuin University)
January 7, 2015
Japanese Investment in Africa--MIGA's view
- Speaker: HONDA Keiko (Executive Vice President and CEO of the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), World Bank Group)
- Commentator: OKADA Kohei (Director, Middle East and Africa Division, Trade Policy Bureau, METI )
- Moderator: MATSUDA Naoko (Felllow, RIETI / Project Assistant Professor, Todai Policy Alternative Research Institute, The University of Tokyo)
December 19, 2014
Overview of Measuring Productivity: Accurate evaluation of technology
- Speaker: KONISHI Yoko (Senior Fellow, RIETI)
- Commentator: NISHIYAMA Yoshihiko (Professor, Institute of Economic Research, Kyoto University)
- Moderator: MORIKAWA Masayuki (Vice Chairman & Vice President, RIETI)
December 18, 2014
The Abenomics Referendum and Its Aftermath
- Speaker: Jacob SCHLESINGER (Senior Asia Economics Correspondent and Central Banks Editor, Asia, The Wall Street Journal)
- Moderator: YOSHIDA Yasuhiko (Consulting Fellow, RIETI / Deputy Director-General for International Projects Promotion, Bureau of Trade and Economic Cooperation, METI)
December 10, 2014
Inter-firm Network and Spillover Effect: Empirical analysis using big data
- Speaker: SAITO Yukiko (Senior Fellow, RIETI)
- Moderator: MATANO Toshimichi (Deputy Director, Public Relations Office, Minister's Secretariat, METI)
November 26, 2014
Launch of OECD Economic Outlook 2014: Macroeconomic analysis and policy recommendations for Japan
- Speaker: Randall S. JONES (Head of Japan/Korea Desk, Economics Department, OECD)
- Moderator: ODA Keiichiro (Senior Fellow & Research Coordinator (Research), RIETI)
- Handout [PDF:1.2MB]
November 25, 2014
OECD's Green Growth Strategy: Southeast Asian case and beyond
- Speaker: TAMAKI Rintaro (Deputy Secretary-General, OECD)
- Moderator: FUJIMOTO Takeshi (Director, International Economic Affairs Division, Trade Policy Bureau, METI)
November 14, 2014
Global Economy and Financial Markets: Outlook and Policy Challenges
- Speaker: KINOSHITA Yuko (Consulting Fellow, RIETI / Deputy Head of Office, IMF's Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (OAP))
- Moderator: SHIMIZU Mikiharu (Director, Policy Planning and Research Office, Trade Policy Bureau, METI)
November 12, 2014
Urban Planning in Japan's Future: Rapidly growing issue of empty homes
- Speaker: MAKINO Tomohiro (President and CEO, ORAGA HSC Inc.)
- Moderator: UENO Toru (Director of International Coordination and Public Relations & Senior Fellow, RIETI)
November 7, 2014
The Mission of Local Universities in Innovating Local Areas
- Speaker: UTAGAWA Takashi (Managing Director and Vice President, Fukui Prefectural University)
- Moderator: UEDA Keiichiro (Deputy Director, Innovation and Industry-University Collaboration Division, Industrial Science and Technology Policy and Environment Bureau, METI)
October 31, 2014
Reconsideration of Public Pension Reform: Problems to be solved
- Speaker: NAKATA Daigo (Senior Fellow, RIETI)
- Moderator: OGURO Kazumasa (Consulting Fellow, RIETI / Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics, Hosei University)
October 24, 2014
The Potential Impact of the Chinese Anti-monopoly Law and Practice on the Japanese Business and Government Communities
- Speaker: Adrian EMCH (Partner, Hogan Lovells, Beijing)
- Commentator: KAWASHIMA Fujio (Professor, Graduate School of International Development, Nagoya University)
- Moderator: TAMURA Akihiko (Senior Fellow, RIETI / Deputy Director-General for Rules and Regulations, Trade Policy Bureau, METI)
October 15, 2014
The Acquisition and Commercialization of Invention in American Manufacturing: Incidence and impact
- Speaker: John P. WALSH (Professor, School of Public Policy, Georgia Institute of Technology)
- Commentator & Moderator: GOTO Akira (Faculty Fellow, RIETI / Professor, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies)
- Handout [PDF:569KB]
- Comment [PDF:229KB]
October 9, 2014
Breaking the Barriers: How multi-stakeholder dialogues can promote Japan's global leadership beyond 2015
- Speaker: YAMADA Takumo (Advocacy Manager, Oxfam Japan)
- Commentator: USHIJIMA Keiichi (Principal Fellow, Ernst & Young Institute Co., Ltd.)
- Moderator: TAMURA Akihiko (Senior Fellow, RIETI / Deputy Director-General for Rules and Regulations, Trade Policy Bureau, METI)
October 7, 2014
Key Elements of an Energy Sector Transformation: Launch of IEA's new annual publication Energy, Climate Change and Environment: 2014 Insights
- Speaker: Didier HOUSSIN (Director, Sustainable Energy Policy and Technology, International Energy Agency (IEA))
- Speaker: HATTORI Takashi (Head of Unit, Environment and Climate Change Energy Efficiency and Environment Division, Directorate of Sustainable Energy Policy and Technology, International Energy Agency (IEA))
- Moderator: KIHARA Shinichi (Director, International Affairs Division, Agency for Natural Resources and Energy)
- Energy, Climate Change and Environment: 2014 Insights Executive Summary (IEA Website)
- Handout [PDF:2.2MB]
October 2, 2014
[Venture Series] Foundation of the University of Tokyo Edge Capital (UTEC) and Its Efforts over the Past Decade
- Speaker: GOJI Tomotaka (Managing Partner, Representative Director and President, The University of Tokyo Edge Capital Co., Ltd.(UTEC))
- Moderator: YAMASHIRO Munehisa (Consulting Fellow, RIETI /Director-General, Japan Information Technology Engineers Examination Center, Information-Technology Promotion Agency)
September 24, 2014
Faith and Skepticism: Conflicting global views of trade and foreign investment
- Speaker: Bruce STOKES (Director, Global Economic Attitudes, Pew Research Center)
- Moderator: SHIMIZU Mikiharu (Director, Policy Planning and Research Office, Trade Policy Bureau, METI)
- Handout [PDF:1.6MB]
September 18, 2014
Recent Trends in Intellectual Property: From the Japan Patent Office Annual Report 2014 and the Report on Technological Trends in Patent Application
- Speaker: UCHIYAMA Takashi (Director for IP Exploitation Policy Planning Coordination, Policy Planning and Research Division, Policy Planning and Coordination Department, Japan Patent Office)
- Commentator: GOTO Akira (Faculty Fellow, RIETI / Professor, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies)
- Moderator: YAMAUCHI Isamu (Fellow, RIETI / Vice President, Institute of Innovation and Policy Research / Affiliated Fellow, National Institute of Science and Technology Policy)
September 12, 2014
Developing an Alliance Agenda for an Era of Geostrategic Change
- Speaker: Sheila A. SMITH (Senior Fellow for Japan Studies, Council on Foreign Relations (CFR))
- Moderator: KURODA Junichiro (Director, Americas Division, Trade Policy Bureau, METI)
- Time: 10:00-11:30 (Registration desk and seminar room open at 9:45)
- Handout 1 [PDF:184KB]
- Handout 2 [PDF:4.8MB]
NOT for quotation
September 4, 2014
A World with eBooks
- Speaker: FUJII Taiyo (Writer)
- Moderator: YAMANE Kei (Former Vice Secretary-General, Intellectual Property Strategy Promotion Headquarters, Cabinet Secretariat)
August 29, 2014
8K Televisions Opening the Door to the New Era
- Speaker: KURODA Toru (Head of Science & Technology Research Laboratories / Deputy Director-General of Engineering, JAPAN BROADCASTING CORPORATION)
- Moderator: MIURA Takatoshi (Director, Information and Communication Electronics Division, Commerce and Information Policy Bureau, METI)
August 28, 2014
June 2014 Survey of Capital Investment Plans
- Speaker: KIRIYAMA Takeshi (General Manager, Economic & Industrial Research Department, Development Bank of Japan Inc.)
- Moderator: MURAKAMI Keisuke (Director, Macro Economic Affairs Division, Economic and Industrial Policy Bureau, METI)
August 27, 2014
Product Development from the Perspectives of Consumers
- Speaker: OHYAMA Kentaro (Chairman, IRIS GROUP)
- Moderator: JIKE Katsumasa (Director, Housing Industry, Ceramics and Construction Materials Division, Manufacturing Industries Bureau, METI)
August 6, 2014
[Venture Series] Examples of Crowdsourcing in Japan and Future Challenges
- Speaker: AKIYOSHI Yosuke (President & CEO, LANCERS, INC.)
- Speaker: YUDA Kenichiro (Manager, Pasona Tech, inc.)
- Moderator: MATANO Toshimichi (Deputy Director, Public Relations Office, Minister's Secretariat, METI)
July 31, 2014
Annual Report of the Japanese Economy and Public Finance 2014: Enhancing Growth Potential of the Japanese Economy
- Speaker: MASUJIMA Minoru (Deputy Director-General for Economic Research, Cabinet Office)
- Commentator & Moderator: KATAOKA Ryuichi (Consulting Fellow, RIETI / Counselor for the Budget Bureau, Minister's Secretariat, Ministry of Finance)
NOT for quotation
July 25, 2014
The Search For Reasonable in Patent Licensing
- Speaker: Richard J. GILBERT (Emeritus Professor of Economics and Professor of the Graduate School, University of California, Berkeley)
- Moderator: AOKI Reiko (Faculty Fellow, RIETI / Professor, Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University)
- Handout [PDF:1.0MB]
NOT for quotation
July 24, 2014
The Promotion of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games
- Speaker: HIRATA Takeo (Special Advisor to the Cabinet / Director-General, Office for the Promotion of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games / Professor, Faculty of Sports Sciences, Waseda University)
- Moderator: MORIKAWA Masayuki (Vice Chairman & Vice President, RIETI)
July 18, 2014
White Paper on Manufacturing Industries (Monodzukuri) 2014: Current status and future direction
- Speaker: HIRATSUKA Nobuyuki (Director, Tariff and Market Access Negotiations, Multilateral Trade System Department, Trade Policy Bureau, METI)
- Commentator & Moderator: MIYAJIMA Hideaki (Faculty Fellow, RIETI / Professor, Faculty of Commerce, Waseda University / Director, Waseda Institute for Advanced Study)
July 11, 2014
The Japanese Economy after the Consumption Tax Hike: Issues concerning assets
- Speaker: HAJI Koichi (Executive Research Fellow, NLI Research Institute / Visiting Professor, Graduate School of Decision Science and Technology, Tokyo Institute of Technology)
- Moderator: KATAOKA Ryuichi (Consulting Fellow, RIETI / Counselor for the Budget Bureau, Minister's Secretariat, Ministry of Finance)
July 10, 2014
White Paper on International Economy and Trade 2014
- Speaker: SHIMIZU Mikiharu (Director, Policy Planning and Research Office, Trade Policy Bureau, METI)
- Commentator: ITO Koji (Senior Fellow, RIETI)
- Moderator: ITO Arata (Fellow, RIETI)
July 2, 2014
Shifting Gear: Policy challenges for the next 50 years
- Speaker: TAMAKI Rintaro (Deputy Secretary-General and Chief Economist, OECD)
- Moderator: FUJII Toshihiko (Consulting Fellow, RIETI / Director, Trade Policy Division, Trade Policy Bureau, METI)
- Policy challenges for the next 50 years
July 1, 2014
Future for the Payment and Settlement System in Japan
- Speaker: KINOSHITA Nobuyuki (Executive Director, Bank of Japan)
- Moderator: ODA Keiichiro (Senior Fellow & Research Coordinator (Research), RIETI)
June 27, 2014
Decoding 'A New Style of Great Power Relations' in U.S.-China Ties: Implications for economics and security in East Asia
- Speaker: Christopher K. JOHNSON (Senior Adviser and Freeman Chair in China Studies, Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS))
- Moderator: KURODA Junichiro (Director, Americas Division, Trade Policy Bureau, METI)
June 25, 2014
Factors and Outcomes of Gender Equality in Family and Workplace
- Speaker: HONDA Yuki (Professor, Graduate School of Education, the University of Tokyo)
- Moderator: SAKAMOTO Riwa (Director, Economic and Social Policy Office, Economic and Industrial Policy Bureau, METI)
June 20, 2014
Recent Energy Situation in Japan and Outline of the New Strategic Energy Plan
- Speaker: GOTO Osamu (Director-General for Energy and Environment Policy, Agency for Natural Resources and Energy)
- Moderator: UENO Toru (Director of International Coordination and Public Relations & Senior Fellow, RIETI)
June 19, 2014
[Venture Series] Creation of Innovation through University Ventures
- Speaker: SEKIYAMA Kazuhide (Director and Representative Executive Officer, Spiber Inc.)
- Moderator: SHIOSE Takayuki (Deputy Director, Industrial Science and Technology Policy Division, Industrial Science and Technology Policy and Environment Bureau, METI)
NOT for quotation
June 17, 2014
'Leading without Followers': The puzzle of Japan's 'Galapagos' ICT industry, a political economy explanation
- Speaker: KUSHIDA Kenji E. (Takahashi Research Associate in Japanese Studies, Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center, Stanford University)
- Moderator: YOSHIDA Yasuhiko (Director of Research, RIETI)
June 12, 2014
New Trends of Internal Control at the Core of Governance Reform
- Speaker: HATTA Shinji (Auditor, RIETI / Professor, Graduate School of Professional Accountancy, Aoyama Gakuin University)
- Moderator: KAWAZU Tsukasa (Consulting Fellow, RIETI / Director General, Consumer Affairs Agency)
June 11, 2014
Risk Management in the U.S. - My personal experiences coping with the sanctions by U.S. Congress
- Speaker: KADOYA Tetsuo (Former Toshiba General Manager of Washington Office)
- Moderator: ISHII Hiroaki (Director General for Economic and Fiscal Management, Cabinet Office)
NOT for quotation
June 4, 2014
Global Economy and Financial Markets: Recovery strengthens, remains uneven
- Speaker: KINOSHITA Yuko (Consulting Fellow, RIETI / Deputy Head of Office, IMF's Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (OAP))
- Moderator: ITO Koji (Senior Fellow, RIETI)
NOT for quotation
June 2, 2014
Statistics for Evidence Based Policy
- Speaker: TAKEUCHI Kei (Professor Emeritus, The University of Tokyo/ Professor Emeritus, Meiji Gakuin University/ Member of the Japan Academy)
- Moderator: KONISHI Yoko (Senior Fellow, RIETI)
May 30, 2014
[Venture Series] Ventures that Change the World
- Speaker: MATSUMOTO Yasukane (CEO, Raksul, Inc)
- Speaker: SAMATA Anri (General Partner, The Anri fund)
- Moderator: ISHII Yoshiaki (Consulting Fellow, RIETI / Director, New Business Policy Office, Economic and Industrial Policy Bureau, METI)
NOT for quotation
May 29, 2014
Invitation to a Study on Global Niche-top Enterprises in Japan
- Speaker: HOSOYA Yuji (Consulting Fellow, RIETI / Senior Analyst for Regional Policy, Regional Economic and Industrial Policy Group, Economic and Industrial Policy Bureau, METI)
- Commentator: INOUE Tatsuhiko (Professor, School of Commerce, Waseda University)
- Moderator: KANEKO Minoru (Director of Administration, RIETI)
NOT for quotation
May 21, 2014
Financial Crisis and Economic Policy
- Speaker: KIYOTAKI Nobuhiro (Professor of Economics, Princeton University)
- Moderator: MORIKAWA Masayuki (Vice Chairman & Vice President, RIETI)
May 14, 2014
2014 White Paper on Small and Medium Enterprises in Japan
- Speaker: SODA Takeshi (Director, Research Office, Business Environment Department, Small and Medium Enterprise Agency, METI)
- Commentator: UESUGI Iichiro (Faculty Fellow, RIETI / Associate Professor, Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University)
- Moderator: SAITO Yukiko (Senior Fellow, RIETI)
April 17, 2014
Myanmar's Reforms in the Post-Military Era: A mid-term review of Thein Sein Government
- Speaker: KUDO Toshihiro (Director-General, Inter-disciplinary Studies Center, Institute of Developing Economies, Japan External Trade Organization (IDE-JETRO))
- Moderator: KASUGAHARA Daiki (Director, Asia and Pacific Division, Trade Policy Bureau, METI)
April 11, 2014
Reforming Japan's Innovation System for Regaining Industrial Competitiveness
- Speaker: MOTOHASHI Kazuyuki (Faculty Fellow, RIETI / Professor, Department of Technology Management for Innovation (TMI) School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo)
- Moderator: DOI Ryoji (Director, Technical Regulations, Standards and Conformity Assessment Policy Division, Industrial Science and Technology Policy and Environment Bureau, METI)
April 10, 2014
Globalization, Innovation and Anti-monopoly Act
- Speaker: GOTO Akira (Faculty Fellow, RIETI / Professor, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies)
- Commentator: MORIKAWA Masayuki (Vice Chairman & Vice President, RIETI)
- Moderator: NAGAOKA Sadao (Program Director and Faculty Fellow, RIETI / Professor, Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University)
April 8, 2014
[Venture Series] Terra Motors' Challenges in the World Market
- Speaker: TOKUSHIGE Toru (Founder & CEO, Terra Motors Corporation)
- Moderator: ISHII Yoshiaki (Consulting Fellow, RIETI / Director, New Business Policy Office, Economic and Industrial Policy Bureau, METI)
April 4, 2014
Globalization and Inequality
- Speaker: Elhanan HELPMAN (Galen L. Stone Professor of International Trade, Harvard University)
- Moderator: WAKASUGI Ryuhei (Senior Research Adviser and Program Director, RIETI / Professor, Gakushuin University / Adjunct Professor, Yokohama National University / Professor Emeritus, Kyoto University)
(with simultaneous interpretation)