- Time and Date:
9:45-17:55, Monday, August 6, 2007 - Venue:
Aso-no-ma Room, Tokai University Kouyu-Kaikan , 3-2-5 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo (33rd floor of Kasumigaseki Building) - Language:
Japanese / English (with simultaneous interpretation)
Symposium Chair: TANIMOTO Toko (Web Editing Manager, RIETI)
Opening Remarks
FUJITA Masahisa (President and Chief Research Officer, RIETI / Professor, Konan University / Adjunct Professor, Institute of Economic Research, Kyoto University)
Professor Fujita served as Professor of the Institute of Economic Research at Kyoto University; President of the Institute of Developing Economies - JETRO (2003-'07); and Professor in the Department of Economics/Regional Science at the University of Pennsylvania. His research and teaching interests are urban economics, regional economics, international trade, and spatial economics. He holds a Ph.D. in Regional Science from the University of Pennsylvania.
Major works: The Spatial Economy: Cities, Regions, and International Trade
(with P. Krugman and A.J. Venables), MIT Press, 1999; Economics of Agglomeration: Cities, Industrial Location, and Regional Growth
(with J. Thisse), Cambridge University Press, 2002; The International Library of Critical Writings in Economics: Spatial Economics
, vol. 1, 2(editor), Edward Elgar Publishing, Inc., 2005; Regional Integration in East Asia: From the Viewpoint of Spatial Economics
(editor), Macmillan, 2007
RIETI Profile
"Introduction: The Status Quo of the International Trade Regime"
KAWASE Tsuyoshi (Faculty Fellow, RIETI / Associate Professor of Law, Graduate School of Law and Politics, Osaka University)
After graduating from Keio University, Professor Kawase served as Fellow, RIETI; Deputy Director, Multilateral Trade System Department, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI); Visiting Scholar, Georgetown University Law Center; and Fellow, Institute of International Economic Law, Georgetown University Law Center. He also was Associate Professor at Kobe University of Commerce. His areas of expertise are international economic law and trade policy. He received an LL.M. from both Keio University and Georgetown University Law Center.
Major works: Safeguards under the WTO Agreement: Issues and Proposals for a More Effective Mechanism
(co-authored with Ichiro Araki), Toyo Keizai, 2004
RIETI Profile
Part 1 "Regional Economic Integration as an Alternative Regime: 'Legalization' of RTAs and Interface with the WTO"
Session Chair: ARAKI Ichiro (Professor, International Graduate School of Social Sciences, Yokohama National University)
Prior to his current position, Professor Araki was Associate Professor, International Graduate School of Social Sciences, Yokohama National University (2003-'05); and Senior Fellow, RIETI (2001-'03). He also served as Legal Affairs Officer, Legal Affairs Division, World Trade Organization (1995-'98). He specializes in international law and his research focuses on international trade law and trade policy. He holds a Master of Law from the University of California (Boalt Hall) School of Law and a Master of Policy Science from Saitama University.
Major works: China and the World Trading System , Cambridge University Press, 2003
Presentation "Legal Review of FTA Tariff Negotiations"
KIM Jong Bum (Associate Professor, KDI School of Public Policy and Management)
Dr. Kim has been Research Fellow, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP) (1995-2001); Trade Specialist, International Trade Law Division (1998-2001) and Legal Consultant, Trade Law Team (2004); and Director, FTA Goods Negotiation Division (2004-'07), South Korea's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MOFAT). He received a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of California in 1995 and a J.D. from the Duke University School of Law in 2004.
Major works: "In Search of an Effective Role for ASEM: Combating International Corruption," The Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM): Convergence of Opportunities (Wim Stokhof and Paul van der Velde eds.), London: Kegan Paul International, 1999; "Currency Conversion in the Anti-Dumping Agreement," Journal of World Trade , vol. 34, no. 4, Kluwer Law International, 2000; "Fair Price Comparison in the WTO Anti-dumping Agreement: Recent WTO Panel Decisions Against 'Zeroing' Method," Journal of World Trade , vol. 36, no. 1, Kluwer Law International, 2002
Presentation "Dispute Settlement Procedures"
KAWASE Tsuyoshi (Faculty Fellow, RIETI / Associate Professor of Law, Graduate School of Law and Politics, Osaka University)
Presentation "Intellectual Property Rights"
Mr. Suzuki graduated from the University of Tokyo in 1981 and joined the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI, now METI). Prior to his current position, he served as Director of North American Trade Policy Planning, Trade Policy Bureau, MITI (1995-'98); Visiting Fellow, Brookings Institution (1998-'99); Director, Office of Intellectual Property Policy, MITI (1999-2001); Director, Office of Trade Policy Review, Multilateral Trade Policy Department, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)(2001-'02). He received an LL.M. (1986) from Harvard Law School, and was admitted to the New York Bar in 1987.
Major Works: "Toward Constructive International Trade Dispute Resolution", Brookings Institution CNAPS Working Paper, 1999; "Domain Name Disputes," Koubundo, 2001 (in Japanese); "New Commentaries on the Unfair Competition Prevention Act" (co-author), Seirinshoin, 2007 (in Japanese)
Presentation "Trade in Services (Mode 4)"
Prior to his current position, Mr. Tojo served as Assistant Professor (1995-'98) and Associate Professor (1998-2005), Faculty of Law and Politics, Rikkyo University. His fields of research interest are international economic law and competition law and policy. He received a B.Jur. and M.Jur. from the University of Tokyo.
Recent works: "Liberalization of Movement of Natural Persons in Regional Trade Agreements: A Convenient Framework of International Cooperation for Managing Cross-Border Labor Mobility," RIETI Discussion Paper Series 07-J-008, 2007 (in Japanese); "'Legitimacy' of Legal Norms in Compliance of the DSB Rulings in the WTO system: The FSC Saga," Compliance Process in the WTO Dispute Settlement System (T. Kawase and I. Araki [eds.]), Sanseido Publishing, 2005 (in Japanese)
Presentation "Japan's EPA/FTA Policy"
TANAKA Shigehiro (Director for FTA Affairs, Economic Partnership Division, Trade Policy Bureau, METI)
Before his current position, Mr. Tanaka held positions within METI (and MITI), including Director of Multilateral Trade System Department, Trade Policy Bureau; Director of Corporate Finance and Tax Affairs Division, Business Environment Department, SMEA; and Deputy Director of Industrial Finance Division, Economic and Industrial Policy Bureau. Mr. Tanaka graduated from the University of Tokyo and received L.L.M. from Harvard Law School.
Part 2 "The Role of the WTO in the Future Trade Regime"
Session 1
Session Chair: KAWASE Tsuyoshi (Faculty Fellow, RIETI / Associate Professor of Law, Graduate School of Law and Politics, Osaka University)
Presentation "Current State of the Doha Round as Seen from the WTO Secretariat"
S. Bruce WILSON (Director, Legal Affairs Division, WTO)
Mr. Wilson has been the Director of the Legal Affairs Division of the World Trade Organization (WTO) Secretariat in Geneva, Switzerland, since 2002. In this post, he serves as the Principal Legal Officer of the organization, a post in which he spends much of his time on WTO dispute settlement matters. Prior to taking up this position, he held a number of different trade policy positions in the U.S. government, both with the Office of the United States Trade Representative and the House Committee on Ways and Means. Upon his retirement from the U.S. government in early 1998, he practiced international trade and international public policy law for a major U.S. law firm in Washington, D.C. before joining the WTO Secretariat. Mr. Wilson holds an M.A. in international relations (with a specialization in international economics) from the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (1972), and an M.B.A. (with a specialization in finance) (1979) and J.D. (1986) from George Washington University.
Presentation "Dispute Settlement Process and Trade Liberalization Negotiations: Lessons from the Uruguay Round"
ARAKI Ichiro (Professor, International Graduate School of Social Sciences, Yokohama National University)
Presentation "A Stakeholder's View: The Importance of the WTO for the Japanese Industry"
KINBARA Kazuyuki (Director, International Economic Affairs Bureau I, Japan Business Federation (Nippon Keidanren))
After graduating from the University of Tokyo, Mr. Kinbara joined Nippon Keidanren in 1979. He served as Special Assistant to the Japanese Ambassador to the Mission of Japan to the EC (Brussels) (1989-'92); Special Assistant to the President of Keidanren (1992-'93); Assistant Director, Economic Cooperation Department (1993-'96); Senior Research Fellow, 21st Century Public Policy Institute (1998-2000); Group Manager for European Affairs/Trade Affairs (2000-'01); Deputy Director (2001-'03) and Director (2004-'06), International Economic Affairs Bureau, Nippon Keidanren. He received an M.Litt. from the Faculty of Social Studies, University of Oxford.
Session 2
Session Chair: ARAKI Ichiro (Professor, International Graduate School of Social Sciences, Yokohama National University)
Presentation "European Approach toward International Trade Regimes"
Marco C. E. J. BRONCKERS (Partner, Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP)
Professor Bronckers is a partner in the Brussels office of WilmerHale where he practices international trade law and EU law. He became the first lawyer in private practice to represent a government in government-to-government litigation before a GATT panel in Geneva (in 1988). With the establishment of the WTO in 1995, Mr. Bronckers has advised governments and industries on a variety of WTO issues, ranging from agricultural policy, antidumping measures, taxation, subsidies, the protection of intellectual property rights, postal and telecommunications services, the environment, and biotechnology. Mr. Bronckers is also a part-time Professor of Law at the University of Leiden, where he holds the chair of WTO and EC external trade relations law. He publishes extensively and is an Associate Editor of the Journal of International Economic Law . He received an LL.D. from the University of Amsterdam in 1985, and an L.L.M. from the University of Michigan in 1980.
Presentation "Where Do We Go from Here ? an Indian Perspective"
As a member of the Indian Administrative Service, Mr. Hoda worked in the Ministry of Commerce of the Government of India during the periods of 1974-'81 and 1985-'93. He served as the Chief Policy Coordinator in the Government of India for the Uruguay Round (1986-'93). In 1993 Mr. Hoda was appointed as Deputy Director General, ICITO/GATT and in 1995 as Deputy Director General, World Trade Organization in which position he remained until 1999. In 2000 he joined the Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations (ICRIER), New Delhi as Professor. He was appointed to the Planning Commission in 2004.
Major works: Developing Countries in the International Trading System , Allied, 1987; Tariff Negotiations and Renegotiations under the GATT and the WTO , Cambridge University Press, 2001; WTO Agreement & Indian Agriculture , Social Science Press, 2002; WTO Negotiations on Agriculture and Developing Countries , (co-authored with Dr. Ashok Gulati) (forthcoming)
Presentation "Why WTO Doha Round Matters"
HIROSE Naoshi (Director, Multilateral Trade System Department, Trade Policy Bureau, METI)
- Presentation [PDF:320KB]
Opinions expressed or implied in this presentation are solely those of the author, and do not necessarily represent the views of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI).
In his current position as the Director of the Multilateral Trade System Department, METI, and in his previous position as Counsellor of the Permanent Mission of Japan to the United Nations and Other International Organizations in Geneva, Mr. Hirose has participated in the WTO Doha Round negotiations, various dispute settlement cases, and other WTO activities. He also served as Deputy Director of Policy Planning and Coordination Division, Minister's Secretariat at METI; Director of Environmental Policy Division; First Secretariat at the Embassy of Japan in the United States; Deputy Director of Commercial Affairs Office, Economic and Industrial Policy Bureau; and various positions after he joined MITI in 1986. Mr. Hirose graduated from the University of Tokyo (B.A. in Law) and received a Master in Public Affairs (M.P.A.) degree from Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton University.
Panel Discussion
Session Chair: KAWASE Tsuyoshi (Faculty Fellow, RIETI / Associate Professor of Law, Graduate School of Law and Politics, Osaka University)
Wrap-up Comments: "The Doha Round and its Significance on the Future Trade Regime"
KOTERA Akira (Faculty Fellow, RIETI / Professor, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, the University of Tokyo)
After graduating from the Faculty of Law at the University of Tokyo, Professor Kotera has served as Associate Professor and Professor of International Law at Tokyo Metropolitan University and the University of Tokyo since 1980. His fields of research interest are international law, international economic law, and the WTO system from the legal viewpoint. Professor Kotera was a member of the Permanent Expert Group (PEG) of the Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures at the World Trade Organization (1996-'99).
Major works: Legal Structure of WTO System
, University of Tokyo Press, 2000 (in Japanese); Paradigm of International Law
, Yuhikaku, 2004, Keywords of International Law
, 2nd ed. (co-editor), Yuhikaku, 2007 (in Japanese); "On the Legal Character of Retaliation in the World Trade Organization Ststem," in Nisuke Ando et al. ed., Liber Amicorum Judge Shigeru Oda
, vol. 2, 2002 (in English)
RIETI Profile
Panel Discussion
KOTERA Akira (Faculty Fellow, RIETI / Professor, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, the University of Tokyo)
S. Bruce WILSON (Director, Legal Affairs Division, WTO)
Marco C. E. J. BRONCKERS (Partner, Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP)
Anwarul HODA (Member, Planning Commission, Government of India)
HIROSE Naoshi (Director, Multilateral Trade System Department, Trade Policy Bureau, METI)
Closing Remarks
OIKAWA Kozo (Chairman, RIETI)
Prior to his current position, Mr. Oikawa served as Senior Executive Director, Development Bank of Japan (2003-'05); Advisor, Nomura Research Institute, Ltd. (2002-'03); Research Counselor, TEPIA (2002-'03); Commissioner, Japan Patent Office; Director-General, Bureau of Equipment, Japan Defense Agency; Director-General for Policy Coordination, Minister's Secretariat; Councilor, Cabinet Secretariat; Deputy Director-General for Security Export Control, International Trade Administration Bureau; Director, Coordination Division, Bureau of Equipment, Japan Defense Agency; Director, Small Enterprise Policy Division, Small and Medium Enterprise Agency; Counselor, Japanese Mission to European Community, Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Director, Paper, Pulp & Printing Division, Consumer Goods Industries Bureau. Mr. Oikawa graduated from the University of Tokyo with a B.A. in Economics.
RIETI Profile