Information Time and Date:9:45-17:55, Monday, August 6, 2007 Venue:Aso-no-ma Room, Tokai University Kouyu-Kaikan , 3-2-5 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo (33rd floor of Kasumigaseki Building) Language: Japanese / English (with simultaneous interpretation) Summary of Proceedings Opening Remarks and Introduction Part 1: "Regional Economic Integration as an Alternative Regime: 'Legalization' of RTAs and Interface with the WTO" Part 2: "The Role of the WTO in the Future Trade Regimes" Panel Discussion and Closing Remarks Video [Broadband:300k] Opening Remarks Introduction: The Status Quo of the International Trade Regime Part 1 "Regional Economic Integration as an Alternative Regime: 'Legalization' of RTAs and Interface with the WTO" Part 2 "The Role of the WTO in the Future Trade Regime" Session 1 Part 2 "The Role of the WTO in the Future Trade Regime" Session 2 Wrap-up Comments: "The Doha Round and its Significance on the Future Trade Regime" Closing Remarks