Twelve years after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War, eleven years after the Maastricht Treaty, and almost ten years after the establishment of the World Trade Organization, the world has still not settled down under a new order. While many seem to, willingly or unwillingly, accept that there is no alternative to globalization, economic liberalization initiatives on a global scale are not advancing as rapidly as they would hope. Whenever differences in culture and social norms are discussed within the framework of globalization, they tend to be treated as unbridgeable gaps, or a so to speak "clash of civilizations."
On the security front, the United Nations has not stood up to its image as the lead actor in resolving international disputes, while the United States has been increasingly active in conflict resolution around the world. Serious debate has yet to start on the governance of cyberspace while the trans-border and intra-border flow of information is constantly increasing.
- Date: 16 - 17 January, 2004.
- Venue: United Nations University
- Language: English
- Contact: RIETI Ms. Matsukura / Ms. Kato (e-mail:
Tel: 03-3501-8398
* Due to space restrictions, this symposium is not open to the general public. However, following the event streaming video footage of and handouts pertaining to the symposium will be available for downloading from the RIETI website.
Session 1 - "Asian Regional Economy in a Multilateral Setting"
The first session covering the economic aspects of the emerging new order will examine global economic liberalization and the regional economic integration accompanying it, as well as macroeconomic issues including regional monetary cooperation and deflation.
Session 2 - "Information, Culture, and Human Mobility in East Asia and Beyond"
Finally, the third session will examine some of the other elements of which this new order is composed: the movement of natural persons, the flow of information and knowledge, and cultural and social norms; and how these in turn also have an influence on economic and political issues.
Session 3 - "Regional Security and Crisis Management in Asia"
The second session will focus on how the ongoing transformation of the world order - for example, the increasing role of non-state actors - will affect regional security. The first part of this session will examine how U.S. foreign policy has been influenced by this change, especially in the domain of security. The second part will shed light on specific security issues in East Asia where the nation-state is still the principal player, and how new developments in security will affect existing relationships among these nation-states.
Day 1: January 16, 2004
(Intermission 15 min.)
Session Coordinators: | |
C. H. KWAN (RIETI Senior Fellow) | |
HISATAKE Masato (RIETI Director of Research / Senior Fellow) |
Main Speakers: | |
AHN Dukgeun (KDI School) | |
ARAKI Ichiro | |
CHIA Siow Yue (Singapore Institute of International Affairs) | |
FUKAGAWA Yukiko (RIETI Faculty Fellow / University of Tokyo) | |
FUKAO Kyoji (RIETI Faculty Fellow / Hitotsubashi Universityx) | |
ITO Takatoshi (University of Tokyo) | |
Lawrence LAU (Stanford University) | |
LI Jiange (Development Research Center of the State Council of PRC) | |
Ronald MCKINNON (Stanford University) | |
MUNAKATA Naoko (RIETI Senior Fellow / Visiting Scholar, The Sigur Center for Asian Studies, The George Washington University) | |
SAEKI Hidetaka (RIETI Vice President / Senior Fellow) | |
TSUGAMI Toshiya (RIETI Senior Fellow) | |
URATA Shujiro (RIETI Faculty Fellow / Waseda University) | |
WANG Yunjong (KIEP) | |
WU Rong-I (Taiwan Institute of Economic Research) | |
YAMASHITA Kazuhito (RIETI Senior Fellow) | |
ZHANG Jun (Fudan University) |
(Intermission 15 min.)
Session Coordinators: | |
AOKI Masahiko (RIETI President & Chief Research Officer / Professor, Stanford University) | |
AIZU Izumi (Asia Network Research) |
Main Speakers: | |
Peng Hwa ANG (Nanyang Technological University / GLOCOM) | |
AZUMA Hiroki (GLOCOM) | |
IKEDA Nobuo (RIETI Senior Fellow) | |
NAKAMURA Ichiya (RIETI Consulting Fellow / Stanford Japan Center Research) | |
OKAZAKI Tetsuji (RIETI Faculty Fellow / University of Tokyo) | |
SAKAI Masayoshi (METI) | |
TAKIZAWA Hirokazu (RIETI Fellow) | |
Xiao Meng (Bijiao, China) | |
YOKOYAMA Yoshinori (RIETI Senior Fellow) |
Day 2: January 17, 2004
(Intermission 15 min.)
Main Speakers: | |
Gerald CURTIS (RIETI Faculty Fellow / Columbia University) | |
Stephen KRASNER (Stanford University) | |
LIM Wonhyuk (Presidential Committee on Northeast Asian Business Hub, Korea) | |
SAEKI Hidetaka (RIETI Vice President / Senior Fellow) | |
SHI Yinhong (Renmin University of China) | |
TAKAHARA Akio (Rikkyo University) |
(Intermission 15 min.)
Session Coordinator: | |
AOKI Masahiko (RIETI President & Chief Research Officer / Professor, Stanford University) |
Speakers: All |