UCHINO Taisuke

The below information is as of February 15, 2016. It may differ from the current information.

UCHINO Taisuke

UCHINO Taisuke

Research Associate (until February 15, 2016)

Lecturer, Faculty of Economics, Daito Bunka University

Activities at RIETI


Banking, Corporate Finance, Applied Econometrics

Research Projects


2011 Ph.D., Economics, Hitotsubashi University
2008 M.A., Economics, Hitotsubashi University
2006 B.A., Economics, Rikkyo University


2012 - Present Lecturer, Faculty of Economics, Daito Bunka University
2012 - Present Research Associate, Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry (RIETI)
2011 - 2013 COE Visiting Young Scholar, Hitotsubashi University
2011 - 2012 Fellow, RIETI
2009 - 2011 Research Assistant, RIETI
2008 - 2011 Global COE Fellow, Hitotsubashi University
2008 - 2011 Short-Term Research Staff, Bank of Japan

Selected Publications and Papers

Papers Published in Refereed Journals

"Construction of a Goods-group Level Nominal Effective Exchange Rate Data Set and Reexamination of the Exchange Rate Pass-through in Japan," (With Etsuro Shioji), Economic Review, 61, pp.47-67, 2010 (Japanese)

"Pass-through of Oil Prices to Japanese Domestic Prices," (With Etsuro Shioji), Takatoshi Ito and Andrew K. Rose (ed.), Commodity Prices and Markets, NBER-EASE, Vol. 20, University of Chicago Press, 2011

"Deposit Composition and Liquidity Demand of Commercial Banks: An empirical analysis using Japanese panel data," forthcoming in JCER Economic Journal (Japanese)

"The Effect of Academic Background on Household Portfolio Selection: Evidence from Japanese repeated cross section data," (with Yukinobu Kitamura), forthcoming in Review of Monetary and Financial Studies (Japanese)