Intellectual Property Law, International Economic Law
Research Projects
- Intellectual Property and Standardization—Strategy and Policy (July 5, 2016 - March 31, 2018)
1986 LL.M., Harvard Law School
1981 LL.B., University of Tokyo
2002 - Present Professor, Nagoya University Graduate School of Law
2012 - 2014 Vice-Dean & Director of the Program for Legal Practice, Nagoya University Graduate School of Law
2001 - 2002 Director, Office of Trade Policy Review, Multilateral Trade Policy Department, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)
1999 - 2001 Director, Office of Intellectual Property Policy, MITI
1998 Visiting Fellow, Brookings Institution (Washington, D.C., USA)
1995 Director of North American Trade Policy Planning, Trade Policy Bureau, MITI
1992 Legal trainee, Legal Research and Training Institute of the Japanese Supreme Court
1981 Joined the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI)
Selected Publications and Papers
- "International Investment Agreements, Intellectual Property Rights and Public Health," 261 Nagoya Univ. Journal of Law & Politics 1 (2015).
- "Domestic Measures for Public Health Policy and International IP/Trade Law-The Case of the Australian Plain Packaging Act-," 247 Nagoya Univ. Journal of Law & Politics 1 (2012).
- "Non-Violation Complaints under the TRIPS Agreement," 245 Nagoya Univ. Journal of Law and Politics 37-55 (2012) (in Japanese)
- "IP Provisions in TPP," 1443 Jurist 36-41 (2012) (in Japanese)
- "Patent Enforcement in Japan," 3 Zeitschrift für Geistiges Eigentum/Intellectual Property Journal 435-474 (2011) (co-author with Professor Yoshiyuki Tamura)
- New Commentaries on Patent Act (Seirin Shoin Pub., 2011) (co-author) (in Japanese)
- "Bio-Diversity and IP," 1409 Jurist 21-29 (2010) (in Japanese)
- "How to Deal with Disputes over the Validity of Patents in Patent Infringement Litigation : An Analysis Focusing on the Treatment of Assertions related to Corrections of Patents," 227 Nagoya University Journal of Law and Politics 109 (2008) (in Japanese)
- "Assessment and Prospects of Intellectual Property Rights Provisions in RTAs," RIETI Discussion Paper 08-J-005 (Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, 2008) (in Japanese)
- "Intellectual Property Rights under the WTO Regime," 205 Nagoya University Journal of Law and Politics 1 (2004) (in Japanese)
- "Intellectual Property Law and Public Interest" in Tae-Chang Kim and Yasuo Hasebe (eds.), Law and Public Philosophy (Univ. of Tokyo Press, 2004) (in Japanese)
- Domain Name Disputes , with Keita Sato, Kazuko Matsuo, et al. (Kobun-do, 2001) (in Japanese)
- "Toward Constructive International Trade Dispute Resolution," Brookings Institution CNAPS Working Paper (1999)
- "The History and Significance of the U.S.-Japan Photographic Film Dispute," 644 NBL 18, 646 NBL 44, 650 NBL 56 (1998) (in Japanese)
- "Comparative Study of the American and Japanese Policies Concerning Cooperative R&D," MIT Japan Science and Technology Program Working Paper 86-00 (1986)
Professor Suzuki was admitted to the New York Bar in 1986. While he worked in the government, he was involved in trade disputes with North American countries and handled WTO disputes including the U.S.-Automobiles and Japan-Photographic Film cases. At the government, he also worked on IP policy, which included drafting a bill to amend the Unfair Competition Prevention Act. He sat as an arbitrator in an ICC arbitration case in 2006. He is currently a Council Member of the Japan Association of International Economic Law, the Japan Association of Industrial Property Law, and the Copyright Law Association of Japan. He is also a member of the International Literary and Artistic Association of Japan and the American Bar Association. He is on the indicative list for panelists at the WTO Dispute Settlement Body (a Japanese government nominee as a non-governmental panelist for the WTO).